My Enemy, My Love

  • My Enemy, My Love
    By Susan Evans McCloud

    “ I'm so glad you sent for me , Martin , ” Sarah whispered , and her voice , even to her own ears , sounded tense with emotion . “ I don't think I could have stood it without - without- " “ Without this , ” he said softly . “ I know .

  • My Enemy, My Love
    By Julia Byrne

    A feud between King Stephen and Empress Matilda brought chaos to Isavel de Tracy's life, so much so that she found herself hostage in exchange for her brother Edmund's safety.

  • My Enemy, My Love
    By Darlene Mindrup

    “No, my son. I couldn't stand the sight of him. And he thought me a naive child. I hated the way he talked to me as though I were nothing but an infant.” Barak was too surprised to speak. His parents had loved each other, of that he was ...

  • My Enemy, My Love
    By Elaine Coffman

    My Enemy, My Love

  • My Enemy, My Love: Women, Masculinity, and the Dilemmas of Gender
    By Judith Levine

    My Enemy, My Love makes clear that gender roles, the social definitions of masculinity and femininity, the culture’s assignment of certain exclusive traits to each biological sex, have imprisoned us on either side of a divide.

  • My Enemy, My Love: Women, Men, and the Dilemmas of Gender
    By Judith Levine

    A feminist takes a searing look into why women are so angry with men. Tackling the terrain of miscommunication, misperception, confusion, sorrow and antagonism between the sexes, Judith Levine explores...

  • My Enemy, My Love
    By Mary Ann Taylor

    My Enemy, My Love

  • My Enemy, My Love
    By Robert Tyler Stevens

    My Enemy, My Love

  • My Enemy, My Love
    By Julia Byrne

    My Enemy, My Love

  • My Enemy, My Love
    By Diane M. Wylie

    My Enemy, My Love