Discusses the physical characteristics, habits, and natural environment of the toad.
Discusses the wood ant's life cycle, nest, feeding habits, enemies, and benefits to humanity.
Printed in Italy Art Director: Rita Marshall Book Design: Stephanie Blumenthal Text Adapted and Edited from the French language by Kitty Benedict Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Benedict, Kitty.
The Gnat Kitty Benedict.
Provides an introduction to nature through a variety of simple indoor and outdoor activities including collecting seeds, feeding birds, watching a butterfly grow, and others.
From the smallest speck of sand to the stars that blanket the sky, nature is full of incredible things to explore.
Inside this book about nature for kids, they'll learn cool facts like: The Sun is actually a star, a hot ball of glowing gases! It is the closest star to the Earth, making it look much bigger than the other stars.