My Life

  • My Life: Based on the Book Gifted Hands
    By Ben Carson

    In My Life, Dr. Ben Carson, the remarkable and renowned pediatric neurosurgeon, tells the story of overcoming tremendous obstacles in his rise from a troubled inner city youth to one of the foremost surgeons in the world.

  • My Life: Growing Up Asian in America
    By CAPE

    -The pressure to perform and the weight of the model minority myth. -The proximity to whiteness (for many) and the resulting privileges. -The desexualizing, exoticizing, and fetishizing of their bodies. -The microaggressions.

  • My Life
    By Wei Kai

    尽情地宣释着春天的概念,稀释着春天的微寒,带着吹面不寒的杨柳清风,熏染着天空的色彩。使这一切都显得那么轻盈而透亮,生机勃勃。整株花树繁花似锦,多彩动人。正如诗人所韵:“粉白深红数百朵,能共牡丹争几许”。遗憾事是不知其名,不知其来龙去脉, ...

  • My Life: A Guided Tour : the Autobiography of Kenneth N. Taylor
    By Kenneth Nathaniel Taylor, Virginia J. Muir

    The legendary Kenneth Taylor not only translated The Living Bible, but is responsible for such phenomenal Christian children's books as My First Bible in Pictures and the Little People series....

  • My Life
    By Dan Markowitz, John Starks

    "John Starks: My Life" chronicles John Starks's miraculous ascension from going undrafted after one just one season at Oklahoma State to his stellar career with the New York Knicks.

  • My Life: Cursed or Blessed?
    By Karla Johnson

    I was still so excited that I didn't know what to do. Tanya was inside the house so I told her. She thought I was crazy. It was love at first sight for me. I didn't see him any more for a while. When I went down the street one night to ...

  • My Life
    By Joses Tirtabudi

    Beautiful butterfly Watch me fly, watch me fly See my scales shimmer Watch my colors glimmer Floating through the air I am the butterfly so fair God made me to start as a worm But eventually that worm turns Into something so glorious ...

  • My Life: From Normandy to Hockeytown
    By Budd Lynch

    My Life: From Normandy to Hockeytown

  • My Life: Not Mine to Control
    By Colette Keefe

    myself with a blade then, and continued to self-harm my whole entire life. I then told him about all my suicide attempts and how they were related to him. He told me he didn't know how much damage he had done. He kept on saying, ...

  • MY LIFE: My Autobiography

    MY LIFE: My Autobiography

  • My Life
    By Gloria Hunniford

    As one of Britain's best known TV and radio personalities, Gloria Hunniford requires little introduction.

  • My Life: A Record of Events and Opinions
    By Alfred Russel Wallace

    Here are a few of them :(I) The reason why they have long days and nights is because at the poles they have only six hours sun, and the sun does not rise at 6 ... Again, when it is winter in Europe, etc., it is summer in Australia.

  • My Life
    By Marc Chagall

    Completed by Marc Chagall (1887-1985) in 1922, this lyrical, evocative, and unique book is a key work to understanding the life and art of this creative genius who has come...

  • My Life
    By Lyn Hejinian

    A reprinting of the great Sun Moon title.

  • My Life: Albert Einstein
    By General Press, GP Editors

    Yet he went on to develop the special and general theories of relativity, won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921, and become the most influential physicist of the 20th century.

  • My Life: If I Could Turn Back the Hands of Time
    By Brenda Bonds

    Brenda Bonds. B R E N D A B O N D S IF I COULD TURN BACK THE HANDS OF TIME My Life: If I Could Turn BaCk The hands ofTIme. My Life:

  • My Life: Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl
    By Harriet Jacobs

    When Harriet is six years old, her mother passes away and from conversations she learns for the first time that she is a slave, a commodity who was only allowed to live in her parents' home for safekeeping.

  • My Life
    By Lyn Hejinian

    Recognized today as one of the great works of contemporary American literature, My Life is at once poetic autobiography, personal narrative, a woman's fiction, and an ongoing dialogue with the...

  • My Life: The Autobiography of Geronimo
    By Geronimo

    In short, this book was Geronimo's chance to finally tell the world the Apache side of the story; and he knew it. But he refused to participate unless he could tell it his way, without anyone changing it.

  • My Life: Growing Up Asian in America
    By CAPE

    There are twenty-two million people representing more than twenty countries, each with unique languages, history and cultures. Yet they are all clumped into one group: Asian American.