My Little Pony: Sister Switch is a Level One I Can Read Comic, which means it’s perfect for shared reading with young readers new to graphic novel storytelling.
Join the Cutie Mark Crusaders in the first book of the Ponyville Mysteries series as they solve their first mystery!
Join the Cutie Mark Crusaders in the third book of the Ponyville Mysteries series as they solve the mystery of the Rusty Horseshoe!
Discover the magic behind cutie marks, the history of Hearth's Warming Eve, and so much more. Every one of these stories is perfect for reading aloud in just 5 minutes. ©2017 Hasbro. All Rights Reserved.
Relive your favorite episodes of the beloved My Little Pony animated cartoon in this graphic novel adaptation featuring season seven's "Shadowplay!
Attention cadets! This Wonderbolts Academy Handbook once belonged to Rainbow Dash! Along with valuable information on how to become a Wonderbolt, our stellar Pegasus pony added her own notes to help you along.
"Originally published as 'My Little Pony: friendship is magic' issues #21-24"--Indicia.
"Originally published as My little pony: friendship is magic issues #25-28."
Welcome to Ponyville, home of Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and all your other favorite Ponies!
"Originally published as My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic issues #94-97 and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Annual 2021."--Copyright page
An enigmatic new foe brings together some of the most villainous characters in Equestria to attack the Crystal Empire in "Siege of the Cystal Empire!" Collects issues #34-37.
Something is not right in Ponyville as some of the inhabitants are acting strangely and it is up to the ponies to discover the source of the weirdness.
"Originally published as My little pony: friendship is magic issues #89-93."--Copyright page.
With a beast stalking the land, multiple versions of ponies springing up around town, and a mysterious orb of energy in the sky, Twilight and the Princesses turn to Discord for answers.
Collects the stories ''The Good, the Bad, and the Pony'' and ''The Root of the Problem'' from issues #25-28.
Plus, Twilight and friends are surprised to learn that a film is being made about them! When the story turns out to be less than accurate, the group decides to make their own film! Collects issues #64-68 of the ongoing series.
Danger looms over Equestria as a new villain debuts! Learn about the threats that await as Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rarity prepare to face their greatest challenge yet!
Learn 500 first words with everyone's favourite ponies! This My Little Pony sticker activity book is packed with activities and sticker pages that will make learning first words fun. Each...
Exciting news! The second limited edition hardcover book in the Daring Do Boxed Set series, now sold separately! Nothing lasts forever...or does it?
Volumes 1-4 written by Katie Cook, illustrated by Andy Price -- Volumes 5-8 written by Heather Nuhfer, illustrated by Amy Mebberson.