
  • Myanmar: Reintegrating Into the International Community
    By Chenyang Li, Chaw Chaw Sein, Xianghui Zhu

    ... 88 Wang Jiafan, 251 Wang Yi, 214 Wang Yingfan, 91 “Waves of Reform,” 184 Well-functioning judiciary system, 337 Western countries, incitement of, 375 Western democratic system, 206 Wilson, Jeffrey D., 370 Win Aung, 43,47, ...

  • Myanmar: Geology, Resources and Tectonics
    By A.J. Barber, Khin Zaw, M.J. Crow

    Intense sampling and dating of sediments of this outer belt in NW Myanmar and in Chittagong province in Bangladesh indicate the presence of ... (2002) and interpreted as the result of Neotethys ophiolite obduction onto the Burma Block.

  • Myanmar: Unlocking the Potential
    By Asian Development Bank

    After 3 years of historic reforms, Myanmar has entered a pivotal stage in its socioeconomic development.

  • Myanmar: State, Society and Ethnicity
    By N Ganesan, Kyaw Yin Hlaing

    Covers issues of historical influence and political considerations that have shaped the dominant thinking within the state and the military. Examines the three major ethnic groups in the country - Karen, Kachin, and Shan.

  • Myanmar: Burma in Style, an Illustrated History & Guide
    By Caroline Courtauld

    This fully revised and well illustrated 3rd edition of Burma intelligently evokes the magic and mystery of Burma, once the richest nation in Asia.

  • Myanmar: Politics, Economy and Society
    By Adam Simpson, Nicholas Farrelly

    This book provides a sophisticated, yet accessible, overview of the key political, economic and social challenges facing contemporary Myanmar and explains the complex historical and ethnic dynamics that have shaped the country.

  • Myanmar: Beyond Politics to Societal Imperatives
    By Robert H Taylor, Tin Maung Maung Than, Kyaw Yin Hlaing

    After reviewing the historical forces and human agencies which have shaped contemporary Myanmar, this book addresses healthcare and public policy provision, with suggestions as to what potential roles the international community might have ...

  • Myanmar
    By Laura L. Sullivan

    For young readers, this book will serve as a detailed, interesting introduction to a country that is often in the news.

  • Myanmar: Third Edition
    By Josie Elias, Saw Myat Yin

    ... Myanmar, a daily newspaper. DVDS Raising the Bamboo Curtain: Vietnam, Cambodia and Burma (Myanmar). Rick Ray Films, 1997. Global Treasures BAGAN Myanmar., 2007. 7 Days Myanmar/Burma ...