Presents a history of Native Americans dating from 28,000 B.C. to the present * Western Expansion and its impact on Native American land and traditions * T
Native American History is a breakthrough reference guide, the first book of its kind to recognize and explore the rich, unfolding experiences of the indigenous American peoples as they evolved against a global backdrop.
This is the story of the gradual rise, sudden destruction, and slow recovery of the native people of North America.
comprised not only the dominant Creeks but also speakers of other Muskogean languages (Hitchiti, Alabama-Koasati) and of ... Homes included substantial log cabins and, later, thatched-roof shelters with open sides known as chickees.
This volume examines the trajectory of Native American cultures over the centuries, detailing how they have retained their longstanding values and traditions in the face of war, disease, resettlement, and assimilation.
Native American History: A Captivating Guide to the Long History of Native Americans Including Stories of the Wounded Knee Massacre, Native American Tribes, Hiawatha and More includes topics such as Startlin Theories of the Arrival of the ...