Neural Networks

  • Neural Networks: An Introductory Guide for Social Scientists
    By G David Garson

    An Introductory Guide for Social Scientists G David Garson. Neural Networks An Introductory Guide for Social Scientists G. ... SAGE Publications London ' Thousand Oaks ' New Delhi © G. David Garson 1998 First published 1998 All rights.

  • Neural Networks: An Introduction
    By Berndt Müller, Joachim Reinhardt, Michael T. Strickland

    ( 1990 ) [ Re94 ] A.N. Refenes , A. Zaparanis , and G. Francis , Stock Performance Modeling using Neural Networks : A Comparative Study with Regression Models , Neural Networks 7 , 375 ( 1994 ) ( Ri86 ] H. Ritter and K. Schulten : On ...

  • Neural Networks: An Introduction
    By Berndt Müller, Joachim Reinhardt, Michael T. Strickland

    429 [Co88b A.C.C. Coolen and T.W. Ruijgrok: Image Evolution in Hopfield Networks, Phys. Rev. A 38, 4253 (1988) [Co92] J.E. Collard: Commodity Trading with a Three Year Old, in: Neural Networks in Finance and ...

  • Neural Networks: Tricks of the Trade
    By Grégoire Montavon, Geneviève Orr, Klaus-Robert Müller

    Identifying dynamical systems from data is a promising approach to data forecasting and optimal control. ... The state of the dynamical system is represented by the set of units that compose the network and the transition between two ...

  • Neural Networks: Concepts, Applications, and Implementations

    The basic idea behind this series of books is to combine expertise and experience of contributing authors from a number of different scientific disciplines.

  • Neural Networks: Tricks of the Trade
    By Geneviève Orr, Klaus-Robert Müller

    It is our belief that researchers and practitioners acquire, through experience and word-of-mouth, techniques and heuristics that help them successfully apply neural networks to di cult real world problems. Often...

  • Neural networks: the 2nd AI generation
    By Robert Levine, Diane Drang

    This book introduces and explains the concepts of neural networks and advanced artificial intelligence.

  • Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation
    By Simon S. Haykin, Simon Haykin

    This book represents the most comprehensive treatment available of neural networks from an engineering perspective. Thorough, well-organized, and completely up to date, it examines all the important aspects of this...

  • Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation
    By Simon Haykin

    Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation

  • Neural Networks: Deep Learning and Machine Learning Outlined
    By Quinn Spencer

    This book will bring you to the core of how they function and what you can do with them. Add this book to your cart.

  • Neural Networks: A Systematic Introduction
    By Raúl Rojas

    In this book, theoretical laws and models previously scattered in the literature are brought together into a general theory of artificial neural nets.

  • Neural Networks: Tricks of the Trade
    By Klaus-Robert Müller, Genevieve B. Orr

    This book is an outgrowth of a 1996 NIPS workshop called Tricks of the Trade whose goal was to begin the process of gathering and documenting these tricks.

  • Neural Networks: Theory and Architecture
    By V. I. Kri︠u︡kov, Arun V. Holden

    ... main reason is that in all the three approaches a model of a single neuron is not equivalent to a physiological neuron , therefore , for example , it is impossible to compare the output of the model of 98 Phase transitions in brain.