
  • Neuroethics: An Introduction with Readings
    By Martha J. Farah

    In this book, leading neuroscientist Martha Farah introduces the reader to the key issues of neuroethics, placing them in scientific and cultural context and presenting a carefully chosen set of essays, articles, and excerpts from longer ...

  • Neuroethics: Anticipating the Future
    By Judy Illes, Sharmin Hossain

    Packages of care for mental, neurological, and substance use disorders in low- and middle-income countries: PLoS Medicine Series. PLoS Medicine, 6, e1000160. Patel, V., Saraceno, B., and Kleinman, A. (2006). Beyond evidence: the moral ...

  • Neuroethics: Defining the Issues in Theory, Practice, and Policy
    By Judy Illes

    We have outlined some of the stereotypes of psychiatric illness revealed in popular Hollywood films and hope to highlight the impact that these stereotypes have on both the public and the mentally ill . What message do these films send ...

  • Neuroethics: Challenges for the 21st Century
    By Neil Levy

    This book explores questions such as when is it permissible to alter a person's memories, influence personality traits or read minds?

  • Neuroethics: Mapping the Field : Conference Proceedings, May 13-14, 2002, San Francisco, California
    By Steven Marcus, Charles A. Dana Foundation

    This volume contains the proceedings of a two-day multidisciplinary conference on the ethical implications of brain research organized by Stanford University and the University of California, San Francisco.

  • Neuroethics: Defining the issues in theory, practice, and policy
    By Judy Illes

    What ethical lessons from the past can best inform the future of brain imaging? These compelling questions and many more are tackled by a distinguished group of contributors to this volume on neuroethics.

  • Neuroethics: Anticipating the future
    By Judy Illes

    ... Neuroscience for Future Army Applications, National Research Council of the ... Chemical-Biological Weapons. New York: PalgraveMacmillan. DARPA (2015, April ... Future Becomes Now. Available from: ...