Greenwood R, Barnes M, McMillan T, et al. Handbook of Neurological Rehabilitation. 2nd edn Hove: Psychology Press; 2003. Holliday R, Cano S, Freeman J, et al. Should patients participate in clinical decision making?
Pearson K, Gordon J 2001 Spinal Salazar-Torres JJ, Pandyan AD, Price reflexes. In: Kandel ER, Schwartz JH, Jessell TM (eds) Principles of CIM et al 2004 Does spasticity result from hyperactive stretch reflexes? neuroscience, 4th edn.
Neurological Rehabilitation
In general, the most rapid recovery occurs during the first 30 days following stroke, regardless of the initial severity (Duncan et al., 1994; Verheyden et al., 2008). While further recovery is not uncommon, even in the absence of ...
1990;20:349–364. Murray C, Lopez A, Jamison D. The global burden of disease in 1990: summary results, sensitivity analysis and future directions. Bull World Health Organ. 1994;72:495–509. Musselman D, Betan E, Larsen H, et al.
Martin RE, Sessle BJ. The role of the cerebral cortex in swallowing. Dysphagia. 1993;8:195–202. Martin RE, Goodyear BG, Gati JS, et al. Cerebral cortical representation of automatic and volitional swallowing in humans. J Neurophysiol.
Including everything from basic theories to the latest breakthroughs in screening, treatments, diagnosis, and interventions, Neurological Rehabilitation, 5th Edition, is the classic neurology book for therapy students and clinicians alike....
This book is the first attempt at bringing together a volume of work from a range of professionals with an interest in spasticity.
Neurological Rehabilitation is the latest volume in the definitive Handbook of Clinical Neurology series.
Neurological Rehabilitation is the latest volume in the definitive Handbook of Clinical Neurology series.
Table of Contents: The adaptive system: plasticity and recovery Training motor control, increasing strength and fitness, and promoting skill acquisition Measurement Standing up and sitting down Walking Reaching and manipulation Balance ...
Neurological Rehabilitation Chapter 1. Neural plasticity and its contribution to functional recovery Nikhil Sharma Human Cortical Physiology and Stroke Neurorehabilitation Section, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke ...
The management of multiple sclerosis (MS) is changing at a rapid rate, with the emergence of a host of new therapeutic interventions in various stages of development.
Stroke is a major cause of death and disability.
This chapter addresses the important and undertreated problem of balance disorders.
Assessments are either generic or disease specific. However, in neurological rehabilitation, most assessments are disease specific as the generic measures may not be precise for outcomes.
Neurological Rehabilitation Chapter 8. Motor learning principles for neurorehabilitation Tomoko Kitago John W. Krakauer Motor Performance Laboratory, Department of Neurology, The Neurological Institute, Columbia University College of ...
Chapter 14 Neurorehabilitation approaches to facilitate motor recovery Volker Hömberg * Department of Neurology, Heinrich-HeineUniversity, Düsseldorf, Germany, *Correspondence to: Volker Hömberg, M.D., Professor of Neurological ...
Neurological Rehabilitation Chapter 20. Autonomic dysfunction: recognition, diagnosis, investigation, management, and autonomic neurorehabilitation Christopher J. Mathias Valeria Iodice Autonomic & Neurovascular Medicine Unit, ...
Neurological Rehabilitation