he snapped. A surprised sergeant looked up. “Sergeant, what is your name?” “Len Gardner, sir, Third Louisiana.” Lee turned to Walter. “Note that name, Walter. Sergeant Gardner, if I hear of any accounts of abuse of ...
... spectacular display Charleston had yet seen. The army had powerful Parrott riflessited to strike whatwas left of Fort Sumter at almost point-blank range, andit alsohad a longarray of immense siege mortars, and the navy came in with its.
December 8,1914 AnnualAddress,quoted inJohn Garry Clifford, The Citizen Soldiers: The Plattsburg Training Camp Movement, 1913–1917 (Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1972), 42. 22. “Utopia or Hell,”The Independent, January 4,1915 ...
Lee and Grant: The Final Victory Newt Gingrich, William R. Forstchen, Albert S. Hanser ... Emily Hoffman gazed out the window , the spectacle around her not registering , for at such a moment the world collapses into itself , and the ...
This must be the “final” battle for both sides. In Never Call Retreat, Newt Gingrich and William Forstchen bring all of their critically acclaimed talents to bear in what is destined to become an immediate classic.
The first modern account of Theodore Roosevelt and the First World War, this is a tale of war and politics as well as the private story of true love and family devotion: a story as multi-faceted as TR's own personality.
"...Tells the story of two turning points which made the Civil War the most tragic and yet the most important in America's history."--Back cover.