The guide also offers test taking guidelines, motivational activities, and classroom management suggestions to keep students on task.
Adults may work solely within the Comprehensive Book, since it's packed with all the GED preparation tools they need -- more test-taking practice than any other program on the market, a variety of test taking tips, writing activities ...
Developed on the premise that every adult has different learning needs, the Cambridge GED Program offers a flexibility unmatched by any other program.Adults may work solely within the Comprehensive Book,...
New Revised Cambridge Ged Program: Science
New Revised Cambridge GED Program: Comprehensive Book
New Revised Cambridge GED Program
In response to customer suggestions and extensive market research, the 1988 Cambridge GED program has been revised to integrate strategies with content area instruction and has been given an easy-to-use, magazine-like design.
This Exercise Book for the Social Studies Test can provide you with practice at answering the types of questions you will find on the second test of the GED.
New Revised Cambridge GED Program: Exercise Book for Mathematics
Adults may work solely within the Comprehensive Book, since it's packed with all the GED preparation tools they need -- more test-taking practice than any other program on the market, a variety of test taking tips, writing activities ...