[63] Langville, A. and C. Meyer (2004). Deeper inside PageRank. Internet Mathematics 1(3), 335–380. [64] Langville, A. and C. Meyer (2006). Google's PageRank and Beyond: The Science of Search Engine Rankings. Princeton University Press.
[s_sqd R_sqd b SE t WIF Corr. mtrz] = mregg2(Xd,0); fprintf(t1, s_sqd, R_sqd), fprintf(t2) fprintf(t4a, b (1), SE (1), t (1)) fprintf(t5, b (2), SE(2), t (2), WIF(2)) fprintf([t'6 \n'], b (3), SE(3), t (3), WIF (3)) fprintf(t,9), ...
In this text, the authors provide a sophisticated introduction to the approximation techniques that are used to solve the problems that arise in science and engineering; they show students why the methods work, what type of errors to expect ...
The fourth edition of Numerical Methods Using MATLAB® provides a clear and rigorous introduction to a wide range of numerical methods that have practical applications.
This book is written for engineers and other practitioners using numerical methods in their work and serves as a textbook for courses in applied mathematics and numerical analysis.
DIVPractical text strikes balance between students' requirements for theoretical treatment and the needs of practitioners, with best methods for both large- and small-scale computing. Many worked examples and problems. 1974 edition. /div
Z. Bai, K. Lu, and J. Pan, Diagonal and Toeplitz splitting iteration methods for diagonal-plus-Toeplitz linear systems from spatial ... R. Chan and X. Jin, An Introduction to Iterative Toeplitz Solvers, SIAM, Philadelphia, 2007.
Wide range of computational methods.
Designed for upper-division undergraduates in mathematics or computer science classes, the textbook assumes that students have prior knowledge of linear algebra and calculus, although these topics are reviewed in the text.
The text simplifies the understanding of the concepts through exercises and practical examples. Pedagogical features including solved examples and unsolved exercises are interspersed throughout the book for better understanding.
The book discusses the important numerical methods which are frequently used in mathematical, physical, engineering and even biological sciences.
It is used to find solutions to applied problems where ordinary analytical methods fail. This book is intended to serve for the needs of co