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Schoessler, M., Conedera, F., Bell, L. F., Marshall, D., & Gilson, M. (1993). Use of the Myers-Briggs type indicator to develop a ... Waltz, C. F., Strickland, O. L., & Lenz, E. L. (2005). Measurement in nursing and health research (3rd ...
Principles of Teaching and Learning for Nursing Practice Susan Bacorn Bastable. Gender , Socioeconomic , and Cultural Attributes of the Learner ogy , sociology , and culture " ( Gorman ,. Susan B. Bastable CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS Gender ...
Designed to teach nurses about the development, motivational, and sociocultural differences that affect teaching and learning, this text combines theoretical and pragmatic content in a balanced, complete style. --from publisher description.
Principles of Teaching and Learning for Nursing Practice Susan B. Bastable. Learning Styles 133 Learning Style Models and Instruments 134 Interpretation of the Use of Learning Style Models and Instruments 154 State of the Evidence 156 ...
CD003417.pub2. del Bueno, D.J., Griffin, L. R., Burke, S. M., & Foley, M. A. (1990). The clinical teacher as a critical link in competence development. Journal of Nursing StaffDevelopment, 6, 135–138. ... Freitas, L., Lantz,J., ...
Cobussen-Boekhorst, J. G. L., Van Der Weide, M., Feitz, W. F. J., & DeGier, R. P. E. (2000). ... Frantz, R. A. (1980). ... Green, S. M., Voegeli, D., Harrison, M., Phillips,J., Knowles, J., Weaver, M., et al. (2003).
Journal of Interprofessional Care, 30(6), 726–731. https:// doi.org/10.1080/13561820.2016.1220928 Lowe, M. M., Blaser, D. A., Cone, L., Arcona, S., Ko, J. Sasane, R., & Wicks, P. (2016). Increasing patient involvement in drug ...
Johnson, A., & Sandford, J. (2005). Written and verbal information versus verbal information only for patients being discharged from acute hospital settings to home: Systematic review. Health Education Research, 20(4), ...
urse as Educator: Principles of Teaching and Learning for Nursing Practice, Fifth Edition prepares nurse educators, clinical nurse specialists, and nurse practitioners for their ever-increasing role in patient teaching, health education, ...
This textbook explores the role nurses can play in educating patients about healthcare. The 15 chapters consider the basic foundations of the education process, the needs and characteristics of the...
This text can be used in undergraduate or even graduate courses; one of the strengths of this text is that it is written in a style that enables students to easily understand new conceptsand readily apply them.
Nurse as Educator: Principles of Teaching and Learning for Nursing Practice
This text offers in-depth coverage on important trends, knowledge, and skills sets as well as how to care for a growing and diverse population of patients.
Important Notice: The digital edition of this book is missing some of the images or content found in the physical edition.