Nutrition and Cancer

  • Nutrition and Cancer
    By Clare Shaw

    Tjonneland,A., Christensen,J.,Olsen, A., et al.(2007) Alcohol intake andbreast cancer risk: the European ProspectiveInvestigation intoCancerand Nutrition (EPIC). Cancer Causes and Control 18(4), 361–373. Voorrips, L.E., Brants, H.A., ...

  • Nutrition and Cancer
    By Vera C. Mazurak

    This book is a printed edition of the Special Issue "Nutrition and Cancer" that was published in Nutrients

  • Nutrition and Cancer
    By Raymond Shamberger

    The importance of environmental factors in the etiology of the major degener ative diseases, including cancers, is now generaIly accepted.

  • Nutrition and Cancer
    By Clare Shaw

    Edited by Dr Clare Shaw, Head of Rehabilitation Research at the Royal Marsden Hospital, Nutrition and Cancer Care takes an unrivalled look at this prevalent disease, offering the reader: A practical guide to good nutrition and dietetic ...

  • Nutrition and Cancer

    Nutrition and Cancer, Volume 373 presents a collection of chapters that describe the effect of different metabolic situations, their contribution to metabolic modulation, and their impact on tumor growth.