Odds Against Tomorrow

  • Odds Against Tomorrow: A Novel
    By Nathaniel Rich

    The silence in the lecture hall was broken by three screams in rapid succession. These were followed by the muted whimper of hun— dreds ofpeople weeping. Cellphones buzzed. But most ofus stayed in our seats, transfixed by what we were ...

  • Odds Against Tomorrow
    By Patti Beckman

    If you had , I would have thought la belle France was losing her grip . ” He touched the heavy while linen napkin to his lips . " I'm proud to report , my dear , that I returned to France in the nick of time .

  • Odds Against Tomorrow: A Novel
    By Nathaniel Rich

    This is the cutting edge of corporate irresponsibility, and business is booming. As Mitchell immerses himself in the mathematics of catastrophe—ecological collapse, global war, natural disasters—he becomes obsessed by a culture's fears.

  • Odds Against Tomorrow: The Critical Edition
    By Abraham Polonsky

    Odds Against Tomorrow (1959), which stars Harry Belafonte, Robert Ryan, Ed Begley, and Gloria Grahame, is written by blacklisted screenwriter Abraham Polonsky and directed by Robert Wise. The last great...

  • Odds Against Tomorrow
    By William P. McGivern

    Odds Against Tomorrow

  • Odds Against Tomorrow
    By William P. McGivern

    McGivern's electrifying and complex crime novel brings together two misfits--one black, one white--with nothing left to lose and nothing but each other.

  • Odds Against Tomorrow
    By William P. McGivern

    McGivern's electrifying and complex crime novel brings together two misfits--one black, one white--with nothing left to lose and nothing but each other.

  • Odds Against Tomorrow
    By Judy Turner, Cindy Smith

    Jessica Chandler and Blake Randall have a lot of unfinished business.