OECD Economic Surveys

  • OECD Economic Surveys: Indonesia 2021
    By OECD

    Indonesia experienced its first recession in over two decades in 2020, although large-scale fiscal stimulus and monetary support limited its depth and impact.

  • OECD Economic Surveys: Australia 2021
    By OECD

    The pandemic recession in 2020 was milder than in most other OECD countries, but recent outbreaks have prompted the country to begin transitioning from a zero tolerance to a containment approach to the virus.

  • OECD Economic Surveys: Australia 2008
    By OECD

    Australia is unique in having a national, government-supported accreditation system for centre-based long day care, ... The cost to parents of child care and early education also differ across the states and with the type of services, ...

  • OECD Economic Surveys: Australia 2006
    By OECD

    Recent empirical findings for Australia suggest that a 10% rise in the price of child care results in a decline in the ... Though on an upward trend since the mid-1980s, the use of formal child care is still limited: about 75% of ...

  • OECD Economic Surveys: United States 2020
    By OECD

    The coronavirus pandemic has hit the US economy hard.

  • OECD Economic Surveys: Australia 1999
    By OECD

    Mandatory bid rule The present Corporations Law discourages take-overs by a requirement for bidders holding 20 per cent of ... one used in the United Kingdom, and provides two significant advantages over the current take-over regime.

  • OECD Economic Surveys: China 2013
    By OECD

    Economy, E. (2010), When the River Runs Black, the Environmental Challenge to China's Future, Cornell University Press, ... Environmental Taxation in China and Asia-Pacific, Achieving Environmental Sustainability through Fiscal Policy, ...

  • OECD Economic Surveys: New Zealand 2019
    By OECD

    Baker, M., J. Zhang and P. Howden-Chapman (2010), Health Impacts of Social Housing: Hospitalisations in Housing New Zealand Applicants and Tenants, Housing and Health Research Programme, University of Otago, ...

  • OECD Economic Surveys: New Zealand 2011
    By OECD

    The government has since accepted a number of its recommendations, including an increasing focus on helping those with priority housing needs and introducing reviewable tenancies for all new state housing tenants from July 2011.

  • OECD Economic Surveys: Iceland 2019
    By OECD

    Kavli, A. (2018), TIMSS and PISA in the Nordic Countries, in Northern Lights on TIMSS and PISA 2018, Nordic Council of Ministers, http://dx.doi.org/10.6027/TN2018-524. Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (2014), ...

  • OECD Economic Surveys: United States 2008
    By OECD

    Issue Update No. 7804, Washington: Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, 10 May. Hattersly, Lin (1999), “Trends in Life Expectancy by Social Class – An Update”, Health Statistics Quarterly, Vol. 2 (Summer 1999), pp.

  • OECD Economic Surveys: Latvia 2019
    By OECD

    Latvia enjoys strong economic growth and the catch up with living standards in higher income OECD countries continues.

  • OECD Economic Surveys: Australia 2003
    By OECD

    Centre for International Economics (1992), “Immigration and the Commonwealth budget”, report for the Bureau of Immigration and Population Research, Australian Government Publication Service, Canberra. Certified Practising Accountants ...

  • OECD Economic Surveys: New Zealand 2017
    By OECD

    Increase the price of carbon to a level consistent with New Zealand's intended transition to a low-carbon economy. Adopt alternative pricing or regulatory measures to reduce biological emissions. Support research in new mitigation ...

  • OECD Economic Surveys: Canada 2004
    By OECD

    Macroeconomic performance and indicators of competition Canada has witnessed relatively good economic performance over the past decade at the aggregate level. Average GDP growth between 1991 and 2003 was above both the EU and OECD ...

  • OECD Economic Surveys: Hungary 2012
    By OECD

    The Hungarian Labour Market: Review and Analysis 2010, Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences and National ... Labour Productivity, Investment in Human Capital and Youth Employment: Comparative Developments and Global ...

  • OECD Economic Surveys: Hungary 2012
    By OECD

    Labour Productivity , Investment in Human Capital and Youth Employment : Comparative Developments and Global Responses , Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations , Kluwer Law International . Ladanyi , T. and R. Kierzenkowski ( 2012 ) ...

  • OECD Economic Surveys: Romania 2002
    By OECD

    Questions Answers Does the general competition law apply to publicly-controlled firms? Is there rule or principle providing for exclusion or exemption from liability under the general competition law for conduct that is required or ...

  • OECD Economic Surveys: Switzerland 1997
    By OECD

    Working-time flexibility In accordance with the 1996 Survey recommendation to increase the flexibility of working time, the Federal Government proposed a revision of the federal labour law (loi f ́ed ́erale sur le travail) which was ...

  • OECD Economic Surveys: Canada 2010
    By OECD

    Caprio, G. Jr. (2009), “Safe and Sound Banking: A Role for Countercyclical Regulatory Requirements? ... Hurwitz, S.A. and L.J. Marett (2007), “Financing Canadian Innovation: Why Canada Should End Roadblocks to Foreign Private Equity”, ...