Oedipus Rex

  • Oedipus Rex
    By Sophocles

    Masterly use of dramatic irony greatly intensifies impact of agonizing events. Sophocles' finest play, Oedipus Rex ranks as a towering landmark of Western drama. A selection of the Common Core State Standards Initiative.

  • Oedipus Rex: : Oedipus Rex (the Theban Plays #1) by Sophocles Books ( World Classic Books Oedipus Rex Book )
    By Sophocles

    " What can I say about Sophocles' Oedipus Rex that has not already been said? Apart from the patricide and the infamous incest, this is an ancient tale of angst and overall calamity.

  • Oedipus Rex
    By Sophocles

    The story of the mythological king, who is doomed to kill his father and marry his mother, has resonated in world culture for almost 2,500 years.

  • Oedipus Rex
    By Sophocles

    Greek text with introduction and full commentary.

  • Oedipus Rex: Oedipus the King
    By Sophocles, E. H. Plumptre

    The first drama in the Oedipus Trilogy, "Oedipus Rex", is the tragic tale of Oedipus who has accidentally killed his father and married his mother.

  • Oedipus Rex
    By Sophocles

    Oedipus Rex has never been surpassed for the raw and terrible power with which its hero struggles to answer the eternal question, "Who am I?" The play, a story of a king who?acting entirely in ignorance?kills his father and marries his ...

  • Oedipus Rex
    By Sophocles

    'Oedipus Rex' unfolds amid a city in the relentless grip of a plague. When an oracle proclaims that only an act of vengeance will lift the curse from Thebes, King Oedipus vows to bring a murderer to justice.

  • Oedipus Rex
    By Harold Bloom

    A critical guide to Oedipus rex, Sophocles' Greek tragedy which addresses questions about the power of fate.

  • Oedipus Rex: Includes MLA Style Citations for Scholarly Secondary Sources, Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Critical Essays
    By Sophocles

    This Squid Ink Classic edition of Oedipus Rex includes the full text of the work plus MLA style citations for scholarly secondary sources, peer-reviewed journal articles and critical essays for when your teacher requires extra resources for ...

  • Oedipus Rex
    By Sophocles

    This ironic story of patricide and incest tells how Oedipus, who has become King of Thebes, in order to stop a plague in his kingdom, is determined to find and punish the former king's assassin, only to learn that the murderer is himself.

  • Oedipus Rex: A Play
    By Sophocles

    A king tries in vain to avert a horrific fate in this epic tragedy, widely considered a masterpiece.

  • Oedipus Rex
    By Sophocles

    This ironic story of patricide and incest tells how Oedipus, who has become King of Thebes, in order to stop a plague in his kingdom, is determined to find and punish the former king’s assassin, only to learn that the murderer is himself.

  • Oedipus Rex
    By Sophocles

    In presenting the story of King Oedipus and the tragedy that ensues when he discovers he has inadvertently killed his father and married his mother, the play exhibits near-perfect harmony of character and action.