On Dangerous Ground

  • On Dangerous Ground
    By David Sue, Tony Cook, Sue Cook

    'On Dangerous Ground' tells the story of a gripping and dangerous voyage of discovery for a mother and daughter in Vietnam.

  • On Dangerous Ground
    By David Sue, Tony Cook, Sue Cook

    'On Dangerous Ground' tells the story of a gripping and dangerous voyage of discovery for a mother and daughter in Vietnam.

  • On Dangerous Ground: A 2-in-1 Collection
    By Sharon Sala, Delores Fossen

    “Everyone in school knew that Billy Ray Shuler always had to have his way.” Then she looked up. “That's what we called him then... Billy Ray. He didn't become Raymond until he went to work at the bank. Anyway, he'd asked me out several ...

  • On Dangerous Ground
    By Jack Higgins

    I'd have died if the Laird hadn't got me out, and him wounded so bad he lost an eye.” “The Laird, you say?” Jackson was suddenly interested, but Tanner started to cough so harshly that he almost had a convulsion.

  • On Dangerous Ground: A Theory of Bargaining, Border Settlement, and Rivalry
    By Toby J. Rider, Andrew P. Owsiak

    34 For an exception, see Dal Bo and Powell (2009). Their model focuses exclusively on economically valuable territory. 35 On the conceptual and operational differences between (un)settled borders and territorial claims, see Owsiak, ...

  • On Dangerous Ground: A Theory of Bargaining, Border Settlement, and Rivalry
    By Toby J. Rider, Andrew P. Owsiak

    Rider and Owsiak model this failure as a particular type of bargaining problem - namely, bargaining over territory that affects the distribution of power between neighbouring states significantly - that undermines efforts to resolve border ...

  • On Dangerous Ground: America's Century in the South China Sea
    By Gregory B. Poling

    In the east, it showed a largely empty expanse of water dotted with reefs whose existence could not be confirmed. The chart labeled this area "Dangerous Ground," a nickname it still bears.

  • On Dangerous Ground: America's Century in the South China Sea
    By Gregory B. Poling

    In the east, it showed a largely empty expanse of water dotted with reefs whose existence could not be confirmed. The chart labeled this area "Dangerous Ground," a nickname it still bears.

  • On Dangerous Ground
    By Lamar Underwood

    On Dangerous Ground

  • On Dangerous Ground: Freud’s Visual Cultures of the Unconscious
    By Diane O'Donoghue

    These erasures form an amnesic core within Freud's psychoanalytic project, an absence that includes difficult aspects of his life narrative, beginning with the dislocations of his early childhood that he declared “not worth remembering ...

  • On Dangerous Ground
    By Maggie Price

    “Not bad.” Sky settled on the sofa. “It's perfect,” she said, savoring the creamy heat that slid down her throat. “You mentioned you went for a drive and somehow wound up here.” As usual, the psychiatrist took little time getting to the ...

  • On Dangerous Ground: A Gallipoli Story
    By Bruce Scates

    On Dangerous Ground is fast-paced, accurate and thrilling a retelling of one of the weightiest moments of the twentieth century.

  • On Dangerous Ground: A Theory of Bargaining, Border Settlement, and Rivalry
    By Toby J. Rider, Andrew P. Owsiak

    A Theory of Bargaining, Border Settlement, and Rivalry Toby J. Rider, Andrew P. Owsiak ... “Bargaining over Power: When Do Shifts in Power Lead to War? ... Why Enduring Rivalries Do-or Don't-End. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner.

  • On Dangerous Ground: Stories of Western Noir
    By Dave Zeltserman, Edward Gorman, Martin Harry Greenberg

    Presents a collection of stories about the American West with a dark underlying theme, including works written by such authors as Desmond Barry, Jerry Raine, Jeremiah Healy, and Terence Butler.

  • On Dangerous Ground
    By D.L. Line

    The last thing Jen wants is a by-the-book cop in her life, but fate has other plans. Terri is drawn to the unconventional Dr. Rosenberg and the attraction appears mutual, but the rules are clearÑthis woman is off-limits.

  • On Dangerous Ground
    By Sue Cook

    A gripping and dangerous voyage of discovery for a mother and daughter in Vietnam.

  • On Dangerous Ground: Freud’s Visual Cultures of the Unconscious
    By Diane O'Donoghue

    These erasures form an amnesic core within Freud's psychoanalytic project, an absence that includes difficult aspects of his life narrative, beginning with the dislocations of his early childhood that he declared “not worth remembering ...

  • On Dangerous Ground
    By Maire Comerford

    On Dangerous Ground is the striking revolutionary period memoir, one of the last of its era, of Republican Máire Comerford.

  • On Dangerous Ground: America's Century in the South China Sea
    By Gregory B. Poling

    In On Dangerous Ground, Gregory B. Poling evaluates US interests in the world's most complex and dangerous maritime disputes by examining more than a century of American involvement in the South China Sea.