On Our Way

  • On Our Way
    By Barrett, Thomas C, Theodore Clymer

    On Our Way

  • On Our Way: The Final Passage through Life and Death
    By Robert Kastenbaum

    Dying well: The Ars moriendi and the dormition of the Virgin. In Edelgard E. DuBruck and Barbara I. Gusick, eds., Death and dying in the Middle Ages. New York: Peter Lang. Durkheim, Émile. 1951. Suicide. New York: Free Press. ———. 1965.

  • On Our Way: Christian Practices for Living a Whole Life
    By Dorothy Bass, Susan Briehl

    We are “surrounded by music” but “robbed of song,” my friend and mentor Gabe Huck likes to say. ... Music, like so much in our culture, has become noise—filler constantly present in the background of our lives but never demanding or ...

  • On Our Way: Travels in Europe and Ireland
    By Hugh Oram

    We enjoyed moseying round the town, going down to the seashore and out along the Sky Road, where Kate, daughter of the famed actor Peter O'Toole, has long had a house. We saw the spot where Alcock and Brown landed their transAtlantic ...

  • On Our Way: The Final Passage Through Life and Death
    By Robert Kastenbaum

    Explores a new way of understanding the final transition from life to death, drawing on observations from psychology, religion, biology, anthropology, and personal experience and explaining how studying this forward looking process enriches ...