Once Again

  • Once Again: Snow; Beauty Sleep
    By Cameron Dokey, Tracy Lynn, Liz Braswell

    All he heard was her muted whisper, referring to someone known as the Hunter, and all he saw was a tall, skinny man in drab black clothing slip onto the estate one day. Alan lay awake at night, imagining the Hunter looking for Snow, ...

  • Once Again
    By Paul William Darby

    “I'm losing the old sow,” McAllister cried out, watching his line dig deep and then rise again as the fish took soaring leaps out of the softly heaving swells. “Shit, I got a muscle cramp. Somebody take the pole, for God's sake!

  • Once Again
    By Gina Scott

    She is fearless, or so she thinks. She has planned her life out carefully never realizing that the best plans are sometimes altered. This story is about her journey as her life's plan changes its course.

  • Once Again: Studies in the Ancient Greek Polis
    By Thomas Heine Nielsen

    This volume publishes a further seven papers from the Copenhagen Polis Centre, five of which are written by Morgens Herman Hanson.

  • Once Again: The Awakening
    By Viera Masih Gossai

    Once Again invites readers to believe in the hope that new beginnings are possible and the assurance that abuse will not be the last word.

  • Once Again
    By Edna Nelkin

    "If Platoon grabbed your attention, A Soldier of the Second Civil War will grab you by the throat.

  • Once Again: A Novel
    By Catherine Wallace Hope

    An imaginative, emotional debut novel for fans of Ann Patchett about one woman's fight to save her daughter from repeating a deadly fate.