Ross, Catherine Sheldrick, Kirsti Nilsen, and Marie L. Radford. 2009. Conducting the Reference Interview: A How-to-Do-It Manual for Librarians. 2nd ed. New York: NealSchuman. RUSA (Reference & User Services Division). 2018.
If you don't know who Salton is, search him on Google and take note of his various names: Gerard Salton, Jerry Salton, Gerry Salton, and Gerald Salton. Check LCNAF also. Identify computer science databases at your library's hub and ...
Databases; Vendors - search services; Users of online systems; Performing a search; Terminal equipment; Using microcomputers; The reference process online style; Costs and charging policies; Setting up and managing an online reference ...
Describes the management of an online searching service--how to set up, implement and administer on online reference program. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
Online Searching: A Dictionary and Bibliographic Guide
Online Searching is a complete guide for the aspiring expert searcher, explaining important online searching concepts and practices, demonstrating them visually in figures and videos, and inviting you to get hands-on practice by completing ...
... video game violence have on ado- lescents?” The query's facets are: Video Games AND Violence AND Adolescents. Which ... encyclopedia or dictionary to answer this query, starting with a single word or phrase to represent its can't live without ...