Mechanisms in this book use color to highlight changes that take place during reactions.
This edition is available with the new and improved WileyPLUS—an immersive online environment packed with interactive study tools, strategies, and resources that support different learning styles.
This new fourth edition retains its popular delivery of organic chemistry content in a student-friendly format.
The Tenth Edition of Organic Chemistry continues Solomons/Fryhle’s tradition of excellence in teaching and preparing students for success in the organic classroom and beyond.
The Ninth Edition also retains McMurry's hallmark qualities: comprehensive, authoritative, and clear. McMurry has developed a reputation for crafting precise and accessible texts that speak to the needs of instructors and students.
Organised around functional groups, Wade's text is known for its student-oriented approach-incorporating problem solving help, orientation features, and complete discussions of mechanisms.
This important book: Provides an in-depth study of organic compounds with division by reaction types that bridges the gap between general and organic chemistry Covers the concepts needed to understand organic chemistry and teaches how to ...
Ancilary package available upon adoption.
Organic Chemistry: A Short Course : Study Guide and Solutions Book
... summaries of the worked examples and problems, a chapter-by-chapter outline listing those sections that are most important, and answers to the review problems on synthesis that are featured in the Study Guide and Solutions Manual.
"The Seventh Edition has been written with students like you in mind who are encountering organic chemistry for the first time.
This book presents a range of research on important topics in the field. Of the approximately 11 million known chemical compounds, about 10 million are organic.
Readers will find that this highly acclaimed book offers a balanced approach to functional groups and mechanisms.
"Smith's Organic Chemistry continues to breathe new life into the organic chemistry world. This new fourth edition retains its popular delivery of organic chemistry content in a student-friendly format.
This book's mechanistic approach constructs organic chemistry from the ground up; by focusing on the points of reactivities in organic, this text allows students to approach more and more complex molecules with enhanced understanding.
ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly.
With this as a foundation the book then uses interactive review of materials, in conjunction with very structured guidance, to help students progress through increasingly challenging topics within the discipline.
Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
The book attempts to answer the questions of relevancy, how one thing leads to another, and how to read the nomenclature/structures to understand compounds better.