Organic Farming

  • Organic Farming: LIvestock
    By Jennifer Laffan, Robyn Neeson

    Table 5: Selecting for resistance to body strike Actual results from flocks which were:* Trait Predicted difference Resistant Susceptible Greasy fleece weight (kg) Slight decrease 4.48 4.70 Yield (per cent) Slight decrease 70.2 71.4 ...

  • Organic Farming: Crops, fruits and vegetables
    By Jennifer Laffan

    Total variable costs 630.12 Gross margin per ha 1319.88 Gross margin per ML 194.98 Source: R Neeson, NSW Agriculture (2002). Table 4 Alternative management regime budget: organic soybeans ($/ha) Inputs Activity 1.5 t/ha (75% av.) ...

  • Organic Farming: An Introduction
    By Jennifer Laffan

    When the moon is waxing—going from new to full it is like a minispring. And when the moon wanes—goes from full to the end of its cycle, it is a mini-autumn. Biodynamic farmers plant when the moon is in its spring-like phase.

  • Organic Farming
    By Cynthia Swain

    Read the newspaper article about a successful organic farmer. Then read the letters to the editor the article inspired. Finally, learn how you can write a persuasive letter about something that is important to you.

  • Organic Farming: Global Perspectives and Methods
    By Sabu Thomas, Sarath Chandran, Unni M.R

    The book provides readers with a basic idea of organic farming that presents advancements in the field and insights on the future.

  • Organic Farming: The Ecological System
    By Charles A. Francis

    This book represents a current look at what we know about organic farming practices and systems, primarily from the U.S. and Canadian perspectives. the discussion begins with history and certification, ecological knowledge as the foundation ...

  • Organic Farming: Economics, Policy and Practices
    By Hari Ram Prajapati

    Farmer decision to adopt organic or conventional farming, involves the optimal allocation of resources and efficient ... of decision-making have been recognized several decades ago and have led to the theoretical development of producer ...

  • Organic Farming: How to Raise, Certify, and Market Organic Crops and Livestock
    By Peter Fossel

    A whiteripening - to - scarlet pepper is available , however , and might be worth a try . Peppers don't need much nitrogen lest the plant produce more leaves than fruit . They do need abundant calcium and phosphorous , however .

  • Organic Farming: New Advances Towards Sustainable Agricultural Systems
    By Sabu Thomas, C. Sarath Chandran, M. R. Unni

    This volume provides an overview of the fundamental concepts and recent advancements in organic farming, a form of agriculture that is increasing rapidly in popularity.

  • Organic Farming: Concepts, Applications and Advances
    By Subhash Chand, Sartaj Ahmad Wani

    Organic Farming: Concepts, Applications and Advances

  • Organic Farming: An International History
    By William Lockeretz

    Conford, P. (1995) The alchemy of waste: the impact of Asian farming on the British organic movement. Rural History 6, 103–114. DeGregori, T.R. (2004) Origins of the Organic Agriculture Debate ...

  • Organic Farming: An International History
    By William Lockeretz

    It will be an invaluable resource for agricultural researchers and policy makers as well as leaders of organic farming organizations -- Back cover.

  • Organic Farming: Global Perspectives and Methods
    By Sabu Thomas, Sarath Chandran, Unni M.R.

    The book provides a comprehensive resource, from sustainability to influences on the ecosystem, including the significance of seed, soil, water and weed management, and other important aspects.

  • Organic Farming
    By Munish Kumar Verma

    This book focuses on modern methods of organic production, Principles, Importance, Soil fertility management, Nutrient management in, Weed management, Plant protection, Quality Control, Standards, Certification and SWOT Analysis f Organic ...

  • Organic Farming: New Advances Towards Sustainable Agricultural Systems
    By Sabu Thomas, C. Sarath Chandran, M. R. Unni

    This volume provides an overview of the fundamental concepts and recent advancements in organic farming, a form of agriculture that is increasing rapidly in popularity.

  • Organic Farming: Everything You Need to Know
    By Peter V. Fossel

    This essential book is the first seed you’ll need to get your organic farm growing! From organic certification to planning your crop, harvesting to selling your wares, this book is chock full of everything you need to know.

  • Organic Farming: How to Raise, Certify, and Market Organic Crops and Livestock
    By Peter V. Fossel

    Organic Farming includes everything you need to know to begin and maintain a healthy, productive, and profitable organic farm. Don't miss out on the book Mother Earth News named a Recommended Product for Wiser Living!