Organizing the Presidency

  • Organizing the Presidency
    By Stephen Hess, James P. Pfiffner

    James MacGregor Burns, Roosevelt: The Soldier of Freedom (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1970), p. 60. 11. See Carl Marcy, Presidential Commissions (New York: King's Crown, 1945). 12. Quoted in Richard Polenberg, Reorganizing Roosevelt's ...

  • Organizing the Presidency
    By Stephen Hess, James P. Pfiffner

    Ray S. Baker and William F. Dodd , eds . , The Public Papers of Woodrow Wilson , vol . ... See Gary King and Lyn Ragsdale , The Elusive Executive : Discovering Statistical Patterns in the Presidency ( CQ Press , 1988 ) , pp . 305–07 .

  • Organizing the Presidency
    By Stephen Hess, Ph.D., Professor James P Pfiffner

    "This is the first book on the presidency that leaves one with the feeling that he has read a comprehensive treatment of the subject. The others seem to concentrate on...

  • Organizing the Presidency
    By Stephen Hess, James P. Pfiffner

    This books asks how best to manage a presidency that itself has become a bureaucracy.

  • Organizing the Presidency
    By Stephen Hess

    "This is the first book on the presidency that leaves one with the feeling that he has read a comprehensive treatment of the subject.