... Animal ( a Los Angeles Times Book Prize winner ) , and Jonathan Weiner's Pulitzer Prize winner , The Beak of the Finch : A Story of Evolution in Our Time , which is about the evolution of Darwin's finches on the Galapagos Islands .
A beautiful gift and keepsake album to record the genealogy and family history.
With sections dedicated to family origins; reunions and special events; photographs and stories, this book is designed so you can record forever the history of your family and ancestors.
It may seem daunting to get started in genealogy, but this friendly organizer will enable you to record the origins of your family, details about ancestors, photographs, and so much more! Leaf through this book, select a section, and begin!
Our Family Tree: A History of Our Family
Sure to become a treasured heirloom. With spaces to record family data, this unique volume includes such topics as marriages, statistics, deaths, generations and a family tree. Deluxe binding stamped in gold.