The hall was suddenly filled with happy commotion. “Leave your shoes at the door.” Pam ushered the little girls in out of the rain. “We don't want to get Granny's carpet muddy.” Samira watched Pam help Lizzie remove her coat.
This is a stand-alone series. The books can be read in any order.
The first of Plimpton's remarkable forays into participatory journalism, Out of My League chronicles with wit, charm, and grace what happens when a self-professed amateur has the chance to answer every fan's question: could he strike out a ...
In a follow up to "The Bullpen Gospels," the author details his major league rookie season, revealing that for him, it isn't just about the game, but about the people and events in it.
It's all fun and games until someone catches feelings.
High school junior Ian Rowe has a crush on senior Jennifer Patt and wants to ask her to the prom, but when he builds up the courage to ask her, he is afraid he may be setting himself up for heartache. Original.
tried to throw Steve out at first base. As soon as he threw it, I took off for third. I turned to look at the play at first and saw the ball ... teammates came over to me to ask me if I was all right. I just nodded and 74 Out of My League.
He finally climbed out of bed, resigned to the fact that he might as well begin the day. ... He poured a glass of orange juice and stepped outside to retrieve the Sunday paper. ... She may be out of my league. 7 OUT WITH IT The organ ...
After years of war, Lincoln Sheppard thought he'd left the violence and ugliness behind.
The first of Plimpton's remarkable forays into participatory journalism, Out of My League chronicles with wit, charm, and grace what happens when a self-professed amateur has the chance to answer every fan's question: could he strike out a ...
A classic of sport, and the first of George Plimpton's remarkable forays into participatory journalism, Out of My League chronicles with wit, charm, and grace what happens when a self-professed amateur wonders how he would fare on a ...
Word Count: 12,308 Shoshana: I'm not looking for a boyfriend. If I were looking for a boyfriend, I would be looking in my AP classes, or around the table Jessica and I sit at for lunch. I know Dale Rogers is out of my league.
Maura Richards' plan for her life is simply to not have a plan.