A Well-Off Widow & Her Colorado Rancher - A destitute but formerly well-off widow decides to become a mail order bride to a rancher in Colorado – a man who is known to a neighbor and friend.
Among his Mysteries & Thrillers are The Hyte Maneuver, (a Literary guild alternate selection); The Sokova Convention, The Morrisy Manifest, Desperately Killing Suzanne, The Whistleblower's Daughter, and Out of the Shadows.
To catch this killer, she must break every rule and cross every line. Out Of The Shadows A picture-perfect Tennessee town has just become a monster's hunting ground. Two bodies are found tortured to death. A third person goes missing.
For All Eternity is the passionate story of Aidan's twin sister, Maeve Tremayne, a beautiful vampire who haunts the battlefields of Gettysburg like an angel of death...and who dares to lose her soul to a mortal soldier.
Stepping 'Out of the Shadows'.
Out of the Shadows: A Journey Into the Kingdom of Light
... Bobby stitch up the hole in his shoulder and then intended to take a long undisturbed nap. When Bobby was done, Tommy checked his work in a mirror. “One thing you are not, B-man, is a surgeon. don't quit your day job, bro.” Bobby ...
In this sequel to "Who Will Have My Back," discover the stories of nine remarkable American women soldiers wounded while serving in Iraq or Afghanistan.
Outlining the advantages and pitfalls of each of the new Mystery religions, this book will empower readers to choose their own best path.
You are not who you think you are!
Millions of people around the world live in and travel through the shadows.
Out of the Shadows: Understanding Sexual Addiction
A play written to bring schools and communities together to prevent youth suicides. The story is about two young men. One survives the suicide of his best friend and loses all hope.
Out of the Shadows: End of Life Care for People with Dementia
... Connie Mack's '29 Triumph: The Rise and Fall of the Philadelphia Athletics Dynasty. lee lowenfish is a freelance writer and the author of several books, including The Imperfect Diamond: The Story of Baseball's Reserve System and the Men ...
The story of the Bible is most often told as the story of men, from patriarchs to prophets, kings, disciples, and apostles.
... system: Private tutoring and its implications for planners. UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP), Paris. Retrieved from http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0011/001184/118486e.pdf Bray, M. (2009). Confronting ...
Deployed contractors may be exposed to the same stressors as military personnel. A RAND survey examined the mental and physical health of contractors, their deployment experiences, and their access to and use of health care resources.