"Children from all over the world describe what they see when they look outside their windows"--
But while their lives may seem different, there’s something important that they all share. This beautiful book will spark readers’ curiosity and imagination with its celebration of global diversity.
No matter what the little boy does to disguise the small bear he finds looking in his bedroom window one night, it still looks like a bear, and must be returned to its mother bear in the forest.
This book is a visual delight that captures the imagination, and allows you to venture beyond your window to a vast world outside.
Outside. My. Window. Part. II. Three inches of new snow last night, out my window, it blankets the swale, dresses up the stairway rails, fills crotches between tree trunks and limbs, rests heavily on fir tree branches.
Addison C. Marley. Addison C. Marley Outside My Window www ol $ Outside My Window Addison C. Marley. Front Cover.
"The purpose of this book is to teach young children primarily aged 5-12, their carers, teachers and therapists about the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) on their feelings, body, behaviour and thoughts about themselves.