But it'salso awinif theydo, because at least younow have accurate information, and can deal with a problem ona factual and realistic basis. 11 Stress and relationships There is no doubt that one. CHAPTER SUMMARY Behavior is important in ...
The authors tell how to identify stress, how much is good, and how much is too much. And they instruct how to flex your muscles and put up your dukes...
It offers information on both acute treatments and longer term management in avoiding stress and its ill effects. “Stress will always be with us, and we will continue to sufferâ€"unless we choose to change,†says Dr. Cantopher. ...
This book is about positive ideas, healthy attitudes and feeling good.
This book takes you from feeling overwhelmed and stressed to being an overcomer in every situation.
In her usual humorous style, Lindsay Roberts fills her teaching with captivating examples of her successful application of the biblical truths taught in this book.
Buy a copy of Overcoming Stress, to take stress and show it who is boss, you will be glad you did. "Stressed spelled backwards is desserts. Coincidence? I think not!" (Anonymous)
This book looks at sources of stress, and how far these are modifiable without people abandoning themselves or their integrity.
We all need some stress to get us going, but too much can disrupt our lives almost without our realising it.
This book provides you with a comprehensive guide to understanding stress, its impact on your body and mind, and the most effective strategies for managing it.