beyond is a formidable ford of Tyndall Creek, on the other side of which are many highly used campsites and a bear box; campfires are prohibited within 1200 feet of the crossing. From these gathering places your trail makes a short ...
In the early 1930s the idea of a Pacific Crest Trail entered the mind of Clinton C. Clarke of Pasadena, California, who was then chairman of the Executive Committee of the Mountain League of Los Angeles County.
This essential PCT guidebook helps readers plan a day hike, weekend trip, or thru-hike from the Mexican border to Yosemite's backcountry.
This book helps you locate the PCT and side-trips, find water sources, and access resupply routes. Jeffrey P. Schaffer also describes the rich geological and natural history of these mountains.
Section C: Highway 140 near Fish Lake Highway 138 near the Cascade Crest Introduction: Both Sections A and B have a ... The number of lakes in the wilderness rivals that in any other mountain area to be found anywhere along the PCT, ...
Pacific Crest Trail: A Journey in Photographs