Pacific Crest Trail

  • Pacific Crest Trail: Southern California
    By Thomas Winnett, Ben Schirfin, Jeffrey P. Schaffer

    beyond is a formidable ford of Tyndall Creek, on the other side of which are many highly used campsites and a bear box; campfires are prohibited within 1200 feet of the crossing. From these gathering places your trail makes a short ...

  • Pacific Crest Trail: Southern California
    By Thomas Winnett, Jeffrey Schaffer, Ben Schirfin

    In the early 1930s the idea of a Pacific Crest Trail entered the mind of Clinton C. Clarke of Pasadena, California, who was then chairman of the Executive Committee of the Mountain League of Los Angeles County.

  • Pacific Crest Trail: Southern California
    By Laura Randall, Ben Schirfin

    This essential PCT guidebook helps readers plan a day hike, weekend trip, or thru-hike from the Mexican border to Yosemite's backcountry.

  • Pacific Crest Trail: Northern California
    By Jeffrey P. Schaffer

    This book helps you locate the PCT and side-trips, find water sources, and access resupply routes. Jeffrey P. Schaffer also describes the rich geological and natural history of these mountains.

  • Pacific Crest Trail: Oregon and Washington
    By Jeffrey P. Schaffer, Andy Selters

    Section C: Highway 140 near Fish Lake Highway 138 near the Cascade Crest Introduction: Both Sections A and B have a ... The number of lakes in the wilderness rivals that in any other mountain area to be found anywhere along the PCT, ...

  • Pacific Crest Trail: A Journey in Photographs
    By Chris M. Alexander

    Pacific Crest Trail: A Journey in Photographs