At the end of this, past the Akkotel Hotel, a right turn leads under an imposing stone gate into the first caravanserai, the Khan As-Shawardeh (the merchants' khan). The space gives an idea of the scale of this important khan, ...
Uses a comic book format to shed light on the complex and emotionally-charged situation of Palestinian Arabs, exploring the lives of Israeli soldiers, Palestinian refugees, and children in the Occupied Territories.
And far from providing a safe haven for the Jewish people, Israel is necessarily in permanent conflict with the arab world. The first article in this collection examines these realities.
La Palestine est à bien des égards emblématique de ce qui ne tourne pas rond dans le monde et, pour les militants de la justice sociale, le besoin de renouveler le débat et le vocabulaire sur cette question découle avant tout des ...
Histoire, société, politique, économie, religion et culture… L’ouvrage clé pour comprendre l’actualité de la PALESTINE.
En décembre 1991 et janvier 1992 , pour connaître un autre point de vue que celui donné par les médias américains, Joe Sacco part en Palestine dans la bande de Gaza et en Cisjordanie.
Deux Palestiniennes, Falastìn et Asmahane, lui sauvent la vie. C'est, pour lui, la traversée du miroir. Avec Palestine, Hubert Haddad nous livre un saisissant plaidoyer pour la paix et la tolérance. -- 4ème de couverture.
Starting with the earliest references in Egyptian and Assyrian texts, Nur Masalha explores how Palestine and its Palestinian identity have evolved over thousands of years, from the Bronze Age to the present day.
Karl Sabbagh has written both a transporting narrative and a meditation on a region that remains a flashpoint of conflict—a story of how past choices and actions reverberate in the present day. “A powerful and graceful polemic.” ...
In this book President Carter shares his intimate knowledge of the history of the Middle East and his personal experiences of the principal actors, and he addresses sensitive political issues many British and American officials shy from.
This essay collection presents a compelling and insightful analysis of the Palestinian freedom movement from a socialist perspective.
Palestine is a theological and psycho-social reflection on the current politics of the Holy Land. Beginning with the story of Samson and the slaying of the Philistines, it looks at...
Palestine: A Modern History
Based on years of research and extended visits to the West Bank and Gaza Strip in the early 1990s, "Palestine" is the first major comics work of political nonfiction by Sacco.