Even kids on the safe side of the fence had to fight back an urge to turn and run. “This is going to get bloody,” said Martin. “I don't want to watch.” When Lucy got to about ten feet from Punky she stopped.
With tentacles nimble, he found it quite simple, to open the lock with some ease. Children will delight in watching the zoo keeper sleep as the animals around him cause pandamonium!
New and emerging reades will delight in watching the zookeeper sleep as the animals around him cause pandamonium!
Pandamonium is a steampunk panda adventure set in a world of bears and not men.
Pandamonium, Death of a King, Book I by Patrick Scullin is a juvenile illustrated novel set in a world of bears and not men.
Are you looking for a fun gift for someone close to you? This is a perfect blank, lined journal for men, women, and children. Great for taking down notes, reminders, and crafting to-do lists.
""--GoodReads website: https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/11085520-pandamonium (viewed January 9, 2020)