1566]: 58; Morley Manuscript [1576?] in Whalen 2003), an identification that may derive from the god's chthonic associations and his association with the planet Venus (lucero in Spanish). The reference to the yax Hun Ahau is followed in ...
In "Parallel Worlds," world-renowned physicist and bestselling author Michio Kaku"--an" author who "has a knack for bringing the most ethereal ideas down to earth" "(Wall Street Journal)--takes readers on a fascinating tour of cosmology, M ...
This story is about one young man who is given the opportunity to "visit himself" and discover how his life might have been under different circumstances.
In "Parallel Worlds," world-renowned physicist and bestselling author Michio Kaku"--an" author who "has a knack for bringing the most ethereal ideas down to earth" "(Wall Street Journal)--takes readers on a fascinating tour of cosmology, M ...
If M-theory is proven correct, we may perhaps finally find answer to the question, “What happened before the big bang?” This is an exciting and unforgettable introduction into the new cutting-edge theories of physics and cosmology from ...
Sheds new light on discoveries that have revolutionized the field of cosmology and transformed understanding of the universe, offering an explanation of the multiverse M-theory and its implications in terms of the fate of our own universe.
Parallel Worlds is a unique look at Africa, anthropological fieldwork, and the artistic process.
In a small village in the West African rain forest, an anthropologist and her writer husband begin to translate one of his short stories during an evening storytelling session. Yet...
"A speculative fiction anthology defying odds and conquering the impossible"--Cover.
The beginning was simple; I was unaware of the possibility that a parallel world could exist. Like many before me, I naively was forced into this new world by a series of events. Those events, which unfolded over fifteen hundred days ...
When William Henry Hunt married Ida Alexander Gibbs in the spring of 1904, their wedding was a dazzling Washington social event that joined an Oberlin-educated diplomat's daughter and a Wall...
Altman, Heidi M. 1996 Evidentiality and Genre in Chol Mayan Traditional Narrative. MA thesis, Department of Anthropology, Florida State ... England, Nora 2009 To Tell a Tale: The Structure of Narrated Stories in Mam, a Mayan Language.