New York: Pearson/Longman. Ansolabehere, Stephen, and Shanto Iyengar. 1995. Going Negative: How Political Advertisements Shrink and ... Arsenau, Robert B., and Raymond E. Wolfinger. 1973. “Voting Behavior in Congressional Elections.
Helmus, Todd C., Elizabeth Bodine-Baron, Andrew Radin, Madeline Magnuson, Joshua Mendelsohn, William Marcellino, Andriy Bega, and Zev Winkelman. 2018. “Russian Social Media Influence.” Santa Monica, CA: Rand Corporation.
The Electoral Process L. Sandy Maisel, Mark D. Brewer. United States, television is still the news ... Doris Graber has studied television coverage of presidential elections for some years. Her conclusions support the commonly held view ...
In Congressional Elections , edited by L. Sandy Maisel and Joseph Cooper . Beverly Hills , Calif .: Sage . ... Abramowitz , Alan I. , and Kyle L. Saunders . 1998. ... In The President and the Public , edited by Doris A. Graber .
In fact , most of the Democratic senators who preceded Senator Denton won with over 80 percent of the popular vote . In what sense , then , could it be said that political parties structured that contest for office ?
In fact, most of the Democratic senators who preceded Senator Denton won with over 80 percent of the popular vote. In what sense, then, could it be said that political parties structured that contest for office?
... 51, 385n1 72-Hour Task Force, 58–59 sexual revolution, 45 Seymour, John, 3 Shapp, Milton, 137 Shays, Chris, 135, ... 304 Stokes, Donald, 79–80, 84, 88–89 Stonecash, Jeffrey, 344–45 Stonecash, Jeffrey M., 11 Straight Talk Express, ...
Itasca , Ill .: F. E. Peacock . Hill , David B. , & Norman R. Luttbeg . ( 1983 ) . Trends in American Electoral Behavior , 2d ed . Itasca , Ill .: F. E. Peacock . Hinckley , Barbara . ( 1980a ) . “ The American Voter in Congressional ...
This classic text provides an in-depth examination and history of American political parties and their critical role in representative democracy at the local, state, and national levels.
Parties and Elections in America: The Electoral Process
The eighth edition includes information on the 2016 presidential election and the first 1 1⁄2 years of the Trump administration.
Elections and political parties -- American political parties and party organization -- Voting and other forms of political participation -- Organized groups in the political process -- Campaign finance -- State and local nominations -- ...
In the latest edition, the authors incorporate coverage of the most recent elections and examine how campaign finance, demographic shifts, and the role of the media have impacted the American election cycle.
This post election update edition includes the 2000 election results, with 44 key tables and figures updated and new chapter opening photos throughout. Chapter updates reflecting the events from the...
Presents the political process as it is analyzed by political scientists and also as it is experienced by politicians, and attempts to help students see connections between their lives and...