Pastoral Counseling

  • Pastoral Counseling: A Gestalt Approach
    By Harold G Koenig, Jr, Ward A Knights

    This comprehensive book gives specific instructions on using Gestalt techniques to increase the depth of the pastoral care and counseling you provide.

  • Pastoral Counseling: A Study Guide Based on the Textbook Basic Types of Pastoral Counseling ; Developed in Cooperation with the...
    By Fred J. Greve

    Pastoral Counseling: A Study Guide Based on the Textbook Basic Types of Pastoral Counseling ; Developed in Cooperation with the...

  • Pastoral Counseling: A Ministry of the Church
    By John H. Patton

    R. Greenson , The Technique and Practice of Psychoanalysis ( New York : International Universities Press ) , pp . 45-48 . 19. ... Karl Menninger , Theory of Psychoanalytic Technique ( New York : Basic Books , 1958 ) , pp . 104 , 105-7 .

  • Pastoral Counseling: A Ministry of the Church
    By John H. Patton

    How to structure a pastoral counseling interview, how to determine the unit of care, and how healing occurs in pastoral counseling are all important facets of this excellent book. Case studies, an index, and notes are included.

  • Pastoral Counseling: The Basics
    By James E. Dittes

    So a fifth level of experience assumed in this analysis is the pastoral counselor's own experience of blessing . Which brings us to a confession at the heart of pastoral counseling . This healing never happens as neatly or thoroughly as ...

  • Pastoral Counseling: Where One Encounters the Enormity of God's Love
    By Gerald V. Miller

    To be in a therapeutic, pastoral counseling session is to receive God's Word more and more deeply as the Spirit drives it deeper into the client's mind, heart, and soul. The Spirit illuminates—through the pastoral counselor—the Word for ...

  • Pastoral Counseling

    He nevertheless reflected upon and improved his work through the process of writing sketches about what he was doing . ... One characteristic of Spencer's pastoral method remains to this day in pastoral counseling as we know it ...