Hailed as one of the year's top five novels by Time, and selected as one of the best books of the year by nearly all major newspapers, national bestseller Peace Like a River captured the hearts of a nation in need of comfort.
Latest in the California Pioneer series.
Eleven-year-old Reuben shares the story of how his father, trying to raise his sons alone in 1960s Minnesota, takes their family on a quest to find Reuben's older brother, who has been charged with murder.
"A missing son, days of desperate searching, and God's peace and comfort in great loss." -- Cover.
" For thus says the LORD, "Behold, I extend peace to her like a river, And the glory of the nations like an overflowing stream; And you will be nursed, you will be carried on the hip and fondled on the knees." Isaiah 66:12
A short book reflecting on the need for peace and our desires for there to be a peace and rest in our world of today more than ever?
Hailed as one of the year's top five novels by "Time, " and selected as one of the best books of the year by nearly all major newspapers, national bestseller "Peace Like a River" is now available in paperback.
Level 2 There are times in every service that call for quiet meditation, and this collection provides seven beautiful new arrangements of hymns that are ideally suited to these moments.
Leif Enger's best-selling debut is at once a heroic quest, a tragedy, and a love story, in which "what could be unbelievable becomes extraordinary" (Connie Ogle, The Miami Herald).