Pediatric Cardiology

  • Pediatric Cardiology: The Essential Pocket Guide
    By James H. Moller, Walter H. Johnson

    The Essential Pocket Guide Walter H. Johnson, James H. Moller ... Complete syncopal episodes (Stokes–Adams attacks) particularly thoseplacing volume loadson the ventricles. If the heartrateis persistently low (less than40 bpm) or if ...

  • Pediatric Cardiology
    By James H. Moller, Walter H. Johnson

    This handbook addresses the important and growing concern of diagnosing heart disease and cardiac problems in pediatric care.

  • Pediatric Cardiology: Symptoms - Diagnosis - Treatment
    By Nikolaus A. Haas, Ulrich Kleideiter

    Key Features: High-quality instructive graphs as well as over 400 color illustrations and 100 tables clarify concepts in the text User-friendly organization facilitates the decision making process Online access to more than 100 video clips ...

  • Pediatric Cardiology: How It Has Evolved over the Last 50 Years
    By P. Syamasundar Rao

    The field of pediatric cardiology was in its early stages of development when the author of this book began his career in the mid-1960s, meaning that he was able to witness the stepwise evolution of the field over the last 50 years.

  • Pediatric Cardiology: The Essential Pocket Guide
    By James H. Moller, Walter H. Johnson

    Now in its second edition, this book offers a unique explanation of complex pathophysiology of cardiac malformations, providing the skills necessary for today's managed care environment in using the history, physical examination, ECG, and ...

  • Pediatric Cardiology
    By Robert H. Anderson, Andrew Redington, Gil Wernovsky

    These are included in the over 850 anatomic, photographic, imaging, and algorithmic figures, and incorporate new images using virtual dissections of 3D datasets obtained in living patients.

  • Pediatric Cardiology: The Essential Pocket Guide
    By James H. Moller, Walter H. Johnson

    New to this edition you’ll find: An enhanced section on imaging including recent advances in cardiac MRI and fetal echocardiography. New techniques in genetic testing for heart disease in special populations.

  • Pediatric Cardiology: Proceedings of the Second World Congress
    By Eugenie F. Doyle, Mary A. Engle, Welton M. Gersony

    ... Cardiology , Hospital for Sick Children , Toronto , Ontario , Canada COLES , JOHN . The University of Alabama in ... Cardiologia Pediatrica , Ospedale Bambino Gesu , Rome , Italy DI SEGNI , ELIO . Department of Cardiology , Meir ...

  • Pediatric Cardiology
    By Alexander Sandor Nadas, Donald C. Fyler

    Pediatric Cardiology

  • Pediatric Cardiology: Diagnosis and Management
    By Sara Thornton

    This book brings forth some of the most innovative concepts and elucidates the unexplored aspects of pediatric cardiology. The objective of this book is to give a general view of the different areas of this discipline.