Goodman SI , Mace JW , Pollak S. Serum gamma - glutamyl transpeptidase deficiency . Lancet 1971 ; 1 : 234 . ... Jolly DJ . The role of the HPRT gene in human disease . Horiz Biochem Biophys 1986 ; 8 : 123 . Kang A. A collagen defect in ...
Huntington chorea, an autosomal dominant disorder, may present in childhood and exhibit hypokinetic movements disorder with Parkinsonian features (the so-called Westphal variant), rather than the slowly progressive chorea of face and ...
A Color Handbook James F Bale Jr, Joshua L Bonkowsky, Francis M Filloux, Gary L Hedlund, Paul D Larsen, Denise C. Morita ... Xanthochromia can also be observed when the serum bilirubin exceeds 15 mg/dl (256.5 μmol/l) and in infants or ...
Recognizing patterns of disease can be the first step to successful management of the child with a neurological problem; this is emphasized by the authors throughout the book.
Recognizing patterns of disease can be the first step to successful management of the child with a neurological problem; this is emphasized by the authors throughout the book.
Cover Page -- A Color Handbook Pediatric Neurology -- Dedication -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- Preface -- SECTION 1 CORE CONCEPTS -- CHAPTER 1 The pediatric neurological examination -- CHAPTER 2 Neuroimaging -- CHAPTER 3 ...
Barlow KM, Thomson E, Johnson D, et al. Late neurologic and cognitive sequelae of inflicted traumatic brain injury in infancy. Pediatrics. 2005;116:e174–e185. 8. Barlow KM, Crawford S, Stevenson A, et al. A prospective epidemiological ...
Feldman J, Le Deist F, OuachéeChardin M, et al. Functional consequences of perforin gene mutations in 22 patients with familial haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. Br J Haematol. 2002;117:965– 972. 5. Feldman J, Ménasché G, ...
O'Keefe MJ , O'Callaghan M , Williams GM , et al . Learning , cognitive , and attentional problems in adolescents born small for gestational age . Pediatrics . 2003 ; 112 : 301-307 . 10. Goodenough FL , Harris DB .
... University of Melbourne, Melbourne; Paediatric Neurologist, Austin Health, Heidelberg; Paediatric Neurologist, Monash Medical Centre, Clayton, Victoria, Australia Genetics of Epilepsy Mark S. Scher, MD Professor of Pediatrics, ...
The listing of drugs as second and third choices applies only to patients whose seizures could not be controlled with a drug of first choice. It is important to point out that Table 74.1 is not based on scientific evidence of efficacy ...
Opsoclonus–myoclonus syndrome is a very rare disorder with onset usually in the second year of life, and the clinical features of opsoclonus, myoclonus, ataxia, irritability, sleep disturbance, and, often but by no means invariably, an ...
The book presents sixty cases with discussions structured according to the neurology oral boards format: localization of neurologic findings; differential diagnosis and most likely diagnosis; diagnostic workup; and patient management.
The approach to the child with ataxia requires a detailed history and careful general and neurological examination as well as selected blood work and brain imaging and increasingly available genetic testing for inherited ataxias that ...
A volume in the Handbook of Clinical Neurology series, which has an unparalleled reputation as the world's most comprehensive source of information in neurology International list of contributors including the leading workers in the field ...
Providing a broad window on the primary disorders seen in childhood, this book interweaves the expertise of field leaders from top national institutions to concisely distill the foundations of clinical pediatric neurology.
Neonatal meningitis contributes substantially to neurological disability worldwide.
Pediatric Neurology
Cerebrovascular problems in childhood include diverse problems of vascular supply to the brain and occur with an overall frequency of from 5 to 8/100000 children/year.
Referred to as the gold standard in pediatric neurology, the third edition of this two-volume reference has been updated, expanded and reorganized to include the latest in treatment of epilepsy,...