Pediatric Neuroradiology

  • Pediatric Neuroradiology: Brain. Head, Neck and Spine
    By Paolo Tortori-Donati, Andrea Rossi

    The most common of these cysts, i.e., Bailey type 2, displace the submandibular gland anteriorly, push the carotid space vessels medially or posteromedially, and displace the SCM posterolaterally (Fig. 34.5) [15]. Bailey type 2 cysts ...

  • Pediatric Neuroradiology: Brain. Head, Neck and Spine
    By Paolo Tortori-Donati, Andrea Rossi

    Glasier CM , Robbins MB , Davis PC , Ceballos E , Bates SR . Enhancement of disc and adjacent bone Clinical , neurodiagnostic and MR findings in children with Diffuse enhancement of disc / vertebra complex spinal and brain stem multiple ...

  • Pediatric Neuroradiology: Clinical Practice Essentials
    By Asim F. Choudhri

    FOUR STARS from Doody's Star Ratingsā„¢ Highly recommended -- Pediatric Endocrinology Reviews This is a very useful book, particularly for junior residents on their first rotation in neuroradiology or pediatric radiology.

  • Pediatric Neuroradiology
    By Andrea Rossi

    This is an update of the in-depth reference textbook of the same title designed as a comprehensive resource on neuroimaging of diseases of the pediatric central nervous system.

  • Pediatric Neuroradiology: The Essentials
    By Asim F. Choudhri

    This book offers concise guidelines on very complex topics related to the areas of pediatric neuroradiology in which it is crucial that radiologists make correct diagnoses.

  • Pediatric Neuroradiology: A Case-Based Review
    By Tina Young Poussaint, Sanjay J Prabhu

    This valuable text will include a comprehensive review of clinical cases organized to improve the diagnosis and treatment of CNS diseases of childhood by increasing understanding of key clinical and imaging features of each disease in the ...

  • Pediatric Neuroradiology: Vol. 1: Brain; Vol. 2: Head, Neck and Spine
    By Paolo Tortori-Donati

    The Book "Pediatric Neuroradiology" covers neuropediatric pathologies starting from their in utero expression.