An introduction to members of the penguin family, including chinstrap penguins, Fiordland penguins, and Macaroni penguins.
Examines the physical characteristics, behavior, habitat, nutritional needs, and life cycle of penguins and lists websites where readers can find more information.
Dimensions: 20.3 x 12.7 cm / 8 x 5 inches. (A touch smaller than A5 but much bigger than A6 - it fits easily in a bag but not in a pocket.) Interior: 95 pages of good quality white paper, all wide-ruled with 23 lines to a page. "[Please ...
Discusses the physical characteristics, habitat, social behavior, and life cycle of penguins.
Explores the appearance, daily life, and home of the penguin as well as their place in their foodweb and biome.
Introduces penguins, discussing the different species, physical characteristics, eating habits, behavior, habitats, mating rituals, and efforts being made to ensure their future.
Each book focuses on specific animals and describes the way each lives in the wild, and in natural-habitat zoos.
Yes, some of the 18 species of penguins live in cold, polar regions, but most penguins live in warm climates.
"A great book on penguins looking at their lifestyle, habitat, feeding and behavior."--Google Books
Photographs and simple text introduce the physical characteristics and behavior of penguins, one of many animals kept in zoos.
This book depicts the wonder of the world of Penguins in all its glory.
This ornithological study covers penguin behavior, the workings of their bodies, the details of their vision, the impact of their rookeries on the southern oceans, and their evolutionary history
Find out how deep an Emperor penguin can dive, how young penguins survive in freezing temperatures and a host of other features and traits. Projects to make and do, facts and cartoons add an extra element of fun.
Describes the habitat, physical characteristics, life cycle, and behavior of penguins, birds of the southern hemisphere who are excellent swimmers.
This easy-to-read nonfiction book tells a story about how penguins are adapted to swim in cold water and how they survive in the wild.