In the autobiography of Oliver Heywood , the stock - taking soul is not necessarily , let alone primarily , a penitent in the older sense . Heywood's purpose is to compare my past and present state and obserue my proficiency in ...
A novel from the author of ‘March’ and ‘Year of Wonders’ takes place in the aftermath of the Bosnian War, as a young book conservator arrives in Sarajevo to restore a lost treasure.
Halbertal provides a panoramic survey of Jewish attitudes toward Scripture, provocatively organized around problems of normative and formative authority, with an emphasis on the changing status and functions of Mishnah, Talmud, and Kabbalah ...
This is reason enough to look back and remember that Christians, Jews and Muslims have lived constructively with one another. They have fought and taught each other, and they have learned from one another.
A Mark Twain scholar. An African American philosopher. A lesbian feminist literary critic. A Cuban-American anthropologist. A German immigrant to the United States. A professor of English at a Jesuit university.
Collects twenty short stories of Jewish science fiction and fantasy from the 2000s, including Eliot Fintushel's "How the Little Rabbi Grew," Neil Gaiman's "The Problem of Susan," Tamar Yellin's "Reuben," and others.
Some of the stories of the Prophet’s interactions with them are based on legends and myths, while others are more authentic and plausible. But who exactly were these Christians? Why did Muhammad interact with them as he reportedly did?
In this book, three experts in Judaism, Christianity and Islam respectively discuss and debate this question, by exploring the core messages of the Torah, Bible and Qu'ran.
View our feature on Geraldine Books’s People of the Book.
People of the Book
A considered study of Muslim-Christian coexistence and dialogue in the time of Prophet Muhammad.
"Farah wants nothing more than to develop a deeper devotion to her Muslim faith.
People of the Book was written to offer an organic-holistic approach to communal interpretation, an approach that can work for your community and appeal to your wider culture.