andgo collect wood?” Sindak stiffened. Gonda's tone had obviously offended the youth, but Gonda didn't care. When Sindak and Towa made no move toobey his order, Gonda rose to his feet to beeven more unpleasant .... Koracoosaid, “Sitdown ...
W. Michael Gear, Kathleen O'Neal Gear. “ Too late for what ? ” Galan chuckled . ... If we hurry , we should b - be able to track them right back to her camp . " Gonda swung around to look at her ; then his gaze shifted to the clear ...
Looks at the five nations of the League of the Iroquois, and describes their government, family life, villages, agriculture, clothing, and customs.
Describes every aspect of the Iroquoian way of life, as well as the impact of contact with Europeans.
In People of the Longhouse, New York Times and USA Today bestselling authors W. Michael Gear and Kathleen O'Neal Gear continue the gripping saga of North America's Forgotten Past.