At the same time, companies yearn for new ways to engage their employees. Karen J. Hewitt urges us to switch gears on health and safety - from systems and compliance to inspiration and engagement.
Myron D. Rush , Management : A Biblical Approach ( Wheaton , Ill . , 4 THE SYSTEM Releasing the Inner Spirit The famed New. Scripture Press , Victor Books , 1983 ) , 28 . 19. Ibid . , 13-14 . 20. Max DePree , in Peter F. Drucker ...
Should they be sovereign? And what does it mean to be sovereign? These are perennial questions in self-governing societies, and they have been given fresh urgency during a long moment of unease about the people’s power.
" People Power introduces the major organizers who adopted and modified Alinsky's vision across the United States: --Fred Ross, Cesar Chavez, Dolores Huerta, and the Community Service Organization and National Farm Workers Association - ...
In the Activists' Kitchen: An Introduction / Wesley C. Hogan and Paul Ortiz -- Part I. Making the Common Good the Common Will: Social Movements and Political Organizing / -- Goodwyn and the Democratic Coalition of Texas / Max Krochmal -- ...
On the lives and communities of world famous peacemakers from the 18th century to the present.
Across the world, nonviolent movements are in the forefront of resistance against repression, imperial aggression and corporate abuse. However, it is often difficult for activists in other countries to know...
People Power charts the history of the anti-war movement in the UK from the outbreak of the First World War to present-day conflicts in the Middle East, telling the story of conscientious objectors and others who have been engaged in ...
Here, economics and migration expert Giles Merritt seeks to explode the ten most common myths about European migration.
A compelling look at war and the antiwar movement in the United Kingdom People Power charts the history of the antiwar movement in the United Kingdom from the outbreak of the First World War to present-day conflicts in the Middle East, ...
This book is a must read for managers, students, professors and any professional with an interest in organisational communications.
Noe conducts seminars around the country employing his remarkable principles.
Across the world, nonviolent movements are in the forefront of resistance against repression, imperial aggression and corporate abuse.
If you want to know how your small actions can bring about big changes, how you can improve your lot and the lives of others, then you must read this book. Stand up and be counted. The power is in your hands.
" People Power introduces the major organizers who adopted and modified Alinsky's vision across the United States: --Fred Ross, Cesar Chavez, Dolores Huerta, and the Community Service Organization and National Farm Workers Association - ...
Primarily, but not exclusively, this book is designed for Social Studies; Years 9 - 13, levels 4 - 8; the Social Organisation strand; a New Zealand setting; Bicultural, Gender, Current Issues, and Future perspectives; the origins, ...
People Power explores the potential of community organizations to develop political consciousness among working class and poor people.
How international solidarity activists can support non-violent movements across the globe
Offers fresh insights and practical advice about successful networking.
History is studded with moments of high drama and periods of deep conflict street battles, mass demonstrations, executions, riots, civil wars as people have fought for the form of government they wanted.