Edited by Michael Hawkins Cover design by Thierry Bogliolo Cover photos by Michael Mitton Interior illustrations: see page 171. Interior design by Damian Keenan Printed and bound in the EU Published by Findhorn Press 117-121 High Street ...
Permaculture: A Beginner's Guide
Permaculture is the gardening and farming roadmap of the future.
"This is the definitive Permaculture design manual in print since 1988. It is the textbook and curriculum for the 72-hour Certificate course in Permaculture Design. Written for teachers, students and...
David Holmgren brings into sharper focus the powerful and still evolving Permaculture concept he pioneered with Bill Mollison in the 1970s. It draws together and integrates 25 years of thinking...
Permaculture: A Designers' Manual
This 2017 revised edition is more accessible than the original, with redrawn graphics, corrected and amended text, new references and a newly designed layout that invites the reader into the world of whole systems thinking that is ...
A well-developed set of educational programmes has evolved too, including the Permaculture design foundation course. This invaluable source book brings together everything students on such courses need to know about ecovillage design.