Personal Effectiveness

  • Personal Effectiveness
    By Alexander Murdock, Carol N. Scutt

    ISBN: 0-13-849142-9 Cooper, C., Cooper, R., Eaker, L. (1988) Living with Stress. Harmondsworth: Penguin. ISBN: 0-14-009866-6 Davis ... Harlow: Pearson Education (Chapters 4, 5, 6 and 12). ISBN: 0-273-65590-6 Harrison, R. (1992) Employee ...

  • Personal Effectiveness: Guiding People to Assert Themselves and Improve Their Social Skills
    By Robert Paul Liberman

    Ce document propose une méthode d'apprentissage pour développer les aptitudes et les habiletés sociales ainsi que l'expression de ses émotions. Il s'adresse aux personnes qui rencontrent des difficultés et qui...

  • Personal Effectiveness
    By Alexander Murdock, Carol N. Scutt

    This third edition of Personal Effectiveness incorporates new self-assessment templates to enable the manager to identify personal strengths and weaknesses in each element of the relevant competency within the model, as appropriate to each ...

  • Personal Effectiveness: A Guide to Action
    By Diana Winstanley

    This new text on Personal Effectiveness written by a leading author is designed to give students an introduction to study skills, management skills and give a context to the other studies they do.

  • Personal Effectiveness: Be Your Best Self
    By Neil Bierbaum

    THIS BOOK is a perfect companion for anybody embarking on a personal development journey, especially if your aim is to develop high performance in your life and to make sure you realise your full potential as a human being.It contains all ...

  • Personal Effectiveness: A Strategy for Success
    By George S. Odiorne

    Personal Effectiveness: A Strategy for Success

  • Personal Effectiveness: Mastering Changing Environments
    By Lucia Strazzeri

    Mastering Changing Environments Lucia Strazzeri. PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS Mastering Changing Environments LUCIA STRAZZERI " Personal Effectiveness : Mastering Changing Environments offers essential guiding principles for all . In a 21st ...