This book establishes a path toward financial freedom that is less about accumulating wealth and more about building a future tailored to individual goals. With Walker/Walker, your future looks bright!"--
This book is arranged by learning objectives. The headings, summaries, reviews and problems all link together via the learning objectives.
--Through the presentation of the Ten Fundamental Principles of Personal Finance, this text readers students with the knowledge they need to successfully make and carry out a plan for their own financial future.
Package consists of 0132491001 / 9780132491006 MyFinanceLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Personal Finance: Turning Money into Wealth 0136070353 / 9780136070351 Student Workbook for Personal Finance: Turning Money into Wealth ...
Personal Finance
The text's seven parts each cover one section of a financial plan; Chapter 21 is the capstone. A running example throughout the book and a variety of end-of-chapter cases reinforce the practical aspects of planning.
For introductory Personal Finance course Through the presentation of the Ten Fundamental Principles of Personal Finance(Value Edition), this text empowers students with the knowledge they need to successfully make and carry out a plan for ...
"Please do not include a summary for this cip"--
Personal Finance: Planning and Implementing Your Financial Goals with Automatic Wealth for Grads... and Anyone Else Just Starting Out Set
In this edition, the book now focuses on the "need to know" foundations of personal finance with a greater emphasis placed on providing more graphics in the form of flow charts, pie charts, and bar graphs.
This book is a practical introduction that covers all of the fundamentals and introduces conceptual frameworks, such as the life cycle of financial decisions and basic market dynamics, in a way that students can easily grasp and readily use ...
Personal Finance: Teachers Annotated Edition
From basic budgets to a comprehensive financial plan it is all covered in this book. Taken from personal experiences and formal education the book covers a truly wide range of topics all in an easy to understand format.
This market-leading text offers a student-friendly, practical introduction to managing personal finances.
For courses in Personal Finance.
This package contains: 0132719169: Personal Finance: Turning Money into Wealth 0132719215: Student Workbook for Personal Finance: Turning Money Into Wealth
A one-stop resource ideal for individuals seeking to understand personal finance, this book will also prove valuable to students taking courses in finance and economics.
Personal Finance is the comprehensive companion textbook for Budget Challenge, the award-winning, real-time financial literacy simulation used by over 850,000 students and over 10,000 teachers.
Personal Finance is the comprehensive companion textbook for Budget Challenge, the award-winning, real-time financial literacy simulation used by over 800,000 students and over 10,000 teachers.
Reading Through History is pleased to present the Teacher's Edition of "Personal Finance: The Path to Financial Literacy". It is a collaborative effort of two classroom teachers with a combined...