Personality Theories

  • Personality Theories: A Global View
    By Eric Shiraev

    Who are we? The challenges to America's national identity. New York: Simon and Schuster. Huntington, S. (2006). The clash of civilizations and the remaking of the world order. New York, NY: Simon & Shuster. Hyde, J. (2005).

  • Personality Theories
    By Barbara Engler

    Hoffman, A. (2011). Commentary: Not a safe bet. Research and Action Report (Wellesley Centers for Women), 33(1), 4—5. Hoffman, E. (1988). The right to be human: A biography of Abraham Maslow. Los Angeles: Tarcher. Hoffman, E. (1994 ...

  • Personality Theories: Critical Perspectives
    By Albert Ellis, Mike Abrams, Lidia Abrams

    ... for our memory of spatial locations; that is, our cognitive maps (Cave & Squire, 1991; Kumaran & Maguire, 2005). The Insula or Insular Cortex. This structure resembles a small brain residing deep within each hemisphere.

  • Personality Theories: Critical Perspectives
    By Albert Ellis, Mike Abrams, Lidia Abrams

    Personality Theories: Critical Perspectives is the groundbreaking, final text written by Albert Ellis, long considered the founder of cognitive behavioral therapies.

  • Personality Theories: Development, Growth, and Diversity Value Pack + Mysearchlab
    By Kevin R. Murphy, Charles O. Davidshofer, Bem P. Allen

    This text provides a comprehensive introduction to the key personality theorists by combining biographical information on each theorist with his or her contributions to the field, including her or his ranking among the world's most ...

  • Personality Theories: An Introduction
    By Barbara Engler

    [The book] is designed both to explain the major personality theories and to stimulate critical thinking about them. [The author] has pursued four main objectives. To present a clear and...

  • Personality Theories: From Freud to Frankl
    By C. Boeree

    " This book attempts to provide an open-minded review of the most important of these theories.

  • Personality Theories: Basic Assumptions, Research, and Applications
    By Larry A. Hjelle, Daniel J. Ziegler

    A clear, thorough and focused introduction to the key theories of personality. This edition retains a distinctive presentation of theories on the framework of their underlying basic assumptions. This edition...

  • Personality Theories: Basic Assumptions, Research, and Applications
    By Larry A. Hjelle, Daniel J. Ziegler

    Personality Theories: Basic Assumptions, Research, and Applications

  • Personality Theories: A Global View
    By Eric Shiraev

    The text is organized around three general questions: Where did personality theories come from? How did the theorists study facts? How do we apply personality theories now?

  • Personality Theories: A Comparative Analysis
    By Salvatore R. Maddi

    Personality Theories: A Comparative Analysis

  • Personality Theories: Journeys Into Self : an Experiential Workbook
    By Willard B. Frick

    The author has revised this popular experiential workbook by adding Carl Jung and Karen Horney to his cast of major personality theorists -- Freud, Adler, Erikson, Bandura, Allport, Maslow, and Rogers -- who provide the context within which ...

  • Personality Theories: Development, Growth, and Diversity: Instructor's Manual and Test Bank
    By Bem P. Allen

    Personality Theories: Development, Growth, and Diversity: Instructor's Manual and Test Bank

  • Personality Theories: Guides to Living
    By Nicholas S. Dicaprio

    Personality Theories: Guides to Living

  • Personality Theories: An Introduction
    By Barbara Engler

    [The book] is designed both to explain the major personality theories and to stimulate critical thinking about them. [The author] has pursued four main objectives. To present a clear and...

  • Personality Theories: Development, Growth, and Diversity
    By Bem P. Allen

    This text provides a comprehensive introduction to the key personality theorists by combining biographical information on each theorist with his or her contributions to the field, including her or his ranking among the world’s most ...

  • Personality Theories: A Comparative Analysis
    By Salvatore R. Maddi

    Integrating theory and research through comparative analysis, the author offers a work that helps readers think through the most promising views of personality. Through Maddi's comparative analytic approach, research becomes...

  • Personality Theories: A Global View
    By Eric Shiraev

    The text is organized around three general questions: Where did personality theories come from? How did the theorists study facts? How do we apply personality theories now?

  • Personality Theories: Student Workbook
    By Salvatore R. Maddi

    In the process, the whole person emerges clearly.Rigorous and scholarly, and now reorganized for greater accessibility, this edition permits consideration of each theory all in one place.

  • Personality Theories: Development, Growth, and Diversity
    By Bem P. Allen

    This text provides a comprehensive introduction to the key personality theorists by combining biographical information on each theorist with his or her contributions to the field, including her or his ranking among the world’s most ...