This third edition of Philosophy of Religion offers a wide variety of readings designed to introduce students to important issues in the philosophy of religion.
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The Evidential Argument from Evil (Indiana University Press, 2008), in particular William P. Alston's 'The Inductive Argument ... (2004); Pascal Boyer's Religion Eaplained: The Evolutionary Origins of Religious Thought (Basic Books, ...
... A Level ( New Edition ) is an accessible and wellstructured book , designed to meet the needs of all students doing this popular option of AS / A Level Religious Studies . n ISBN 0-7487-6760-6 nelson thornes
J. MURRAY. MichaelJ. Murray (1963– ) is currently the Executive Vice President of the John Templeton Foundation. Previously he was professor of philosophy at Franklin and Marshall College. He works primarily in the fields of philosophy ...
Incorporating ten new readings and expanded pedagogical features, the fourth edition of Philosophy of Religion: Selected Readings is the most complete--and economically priced--introductory anthology in the philosophy of religion.
A Companion to World Philosophies (Cambridge, MA: Blackwell), pp. 304–323 Mohanty, J. N. (2000) Classical Indian Philosophy (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield) Moreland, James Porter (2012) The argument from consciousness, in Craig, ...
In this second edition, the authors have not only updated the text and bibliography, but also refined some of the arguments, Òscaled down and evened outÓ the vocabulary, and added several pedagogical aids.
Second Edition Norman L. Geisler, Winfried Corduan . Emmet , Dorothy . The Nature of Metaphysical Thinking . London : Macmillan , 1946 . Eslick , Leonard J. “ The Real Distinction : Reply to Professor Reese . ” The Modern Schoolman 38 ...
>Davies, Brian, ed. Philosophy of Religion: A Guide and Anthology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. A collection of readings in the philosophy of religion, divided in a way that mirrors quite closely the chapter divisions in ...
And historically speaking, as Charles Taliaferro has observed, 'Christianity has long held in creative tension the thesis that God is utterly different from the creature and yet encounters us in images and words we can understand'.3 ...
Philosophy of Religion: Classic and Contemporary Issues offers a comprehensive and authoritative overview of the most important ideas and arguments in this resurgent field. Provides a...
With the entry-level student in mind, Stuart Brown guides the reader through three main topics: whether or not there is life after death; whether or not there is a powerful, beneficent intelligence controlling the universe; and the nature ...
This book will appeal to students of both philosophy and religion as well as to the general reader interested in the subject.
"Philosophy of Religion is a combined anthology and guide intended for use as a textbook in courses on Philosophy of Religion. It aims to bring to the student the very best of cutting-edge work on important topics in the field.
In addition, this edition presents traditional proofs of God's existence, with counter arguments.
Philosophy of Religion
Philosophy of Religion: An Anthology of Contemporary Views
Edited and introduced by distinguished scholars, these essays are essential reading for anyone interested in the philosophy of religion.