Philosophy of Religion

  • Philosophy of Religion: A Guide and Anthology
    By Brian Davies

    Both an anthology and commentary, this text presents a self-contained introduction to the philosophy of religion. Readings focus on questions which have preoccupied Western philosophers when thinking about religion.

  • Philosophy of Religion
    By John Hick

    A contemporary introduction to the main topics in the philosophy of religion written by a world-renowned philosopher.

  • Philosophy of Religion
    By John Hick

    Revision features an updated discussion on the main topics in the philosophy of religion: the concept of God - grounds for belief in God - ground for disbelief in God...

  • Philosophy of Religion: Thinking about Faith
    By C. Stephen Evans

    C. Stephen Evans examines the central themes of philosophy of religion, including the arguments for God's existence, the meaning of revelation and miracles, and the problem of religious language.

  • Philosophy of Religion: Toward a Global Perspective
    By Gary E. Kessler

    Preface Introduction: What Is Philosophy of Religion? 1 What is Religion? 2 Diverse Views of Ultimate Reality 3 Can We Prove that Some Kind of Ultimate Reality Exists? 4 Religious Experience: What Is It and What Does It Prove? 5 Why Do ...

  • Philosophy of Religion: Selected Readings
    By Michael L. Peterson

    This excellent anthology in the philosophy of religion examines the basic classical and a host of contemporary issues in thirteen thematic sections. Assuming little or no familiarity with the religious...

  • Philosophy of Religion: Towards a More Humane Approach
    By John Cottingham

    In this book, abstract intellectual argument meets ordinary human experience on matters such as the existence of God and the relation between religion and morality.

  • Philosophy of Religion: A Beginner's Guide
    By Charles Taliaferro

    A Beginner's Guide Charles Taliaferro. being philosophy of God. Monotheistic religions portray ... being philosophy, bringing a more affective dimension to the philosophy of God. Reply to the critique of the biblical God with a little ...

  • Philosophy Of Religion: How Judaeo-Christian Influences Upon The Philosophy Of Religion: Philosophy And Ethics A Level Ocr Revision
    By Karolyn Wriston

    This book covers the whole G571 A Level Religious Studies: Philosophy of Religion module on the OCR syllabus.

  • Philosophy of Religion: The Historic Approaches
    By Max Charlesworth

    Substantially revised and expanded, this is a new edition of a core text for undergraduates, students, and all those interested in philosophy and religion.

  • Philosophy of Religion
    By Elton Trueblood

    The purpose of this book is to develop and to expound the essentials of a philosophy which enables men and women of this century to be both intellectually honest and sincerely devout.

  • Philosophy of Religion: Towards a More Humane Approach
    By John Cottingham

    This book covers all the traditional areas of the subject, including the meaning of religious claims, the existence of God and the relation between religion and morality, as well as the role of spiritual praxis and how religious belief ...

  • Philosophy of Religion: Thinking About Faith
    By C. Stephen Evans, R. Zachary Manis

    In this new edition Zach Manis joins Evans in a thorough revamping of arguments and information, while maintaining the qualities of clarity and brevity that made the first edition so appreciated.

  • Philosophy of Religion: An Introduction with Readings
    By Stuart C. Brown

    By the end of the book students will be able to: -- recognize interconnections between theories of the mind and beliefs about mortality and immortality -- be able to assess some of the implications of Darwinism for religious belief -- ...

  • Philosophy of Religion: An Introduction
    By William L. Rowe

    What is the relationship between faith and reason? Find out in PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION: AN INTRODUCTION. Because it's written to be easily understood no matter your background, this philosophy of...

  • Philosophy of Religion: Selected Readings
    By William L. Rowe

    What is the relationship between faith and reason? Find out in PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION: AN INTRODUCTION. Because it's written to be easily understood no matter your background, this philosophy of...

  • Philosophy of Religion: Selected Readings
    By William L. Rowe, William J. Wainwright

    The aim of this volume is to introduce students to the philosophy of religion by acquainting them with the writings of some of the thinkers who have made substantial contributions...

  • Philosophy of Religion: A Beginner's Guide
    By Charles Taliaferro

    Isaac Asimov said that "whatever the tortures of hell, I think the boredom of heaven would be even worse." Such quandaries are the bread and butter of philosophy of religion.

  • Philosophy of Religion
    By Chad Meister

    ... karmic justice. He is merely the instrument for meting out the justice requisite for this person's previous moral failures. If, on the other hand, the passerby does not deserve such moral recompense, even despite the desires of the ...

  • Philosophy of Religion: Thinking about Faith
    By C. Stephen Evans

    C. Stephen Evans wrestles with these issues, looking at the classical arguments for God's existence and examining the contemporary challenges to theism from sociology, psychology, and philosophy.