
  • Photochemistry
    By Ian Dunkin

    E. Muh, M. Steiger, J.E. Klee, H. Frey and R. Mulhaupt, J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem. Ed., 2001, 39, 4274. 232. O. Soppera and B.C. Barghorn, Entropie, 2001, 37, 20. 233. D. Kuckling, C.D. Vo and S.E. Wohlrab, Langmuir, 2002, 18, ...

  • Photochemistry
    By Royal Society of Chemistry, D. Bryce-Smith, A. Gilbert

    334 G.F.Strouse, L.A.Mori, J.N.Younathan and T.J.Meyer, J.Am.Chem.Soc. . 1989, 111 . 9101. 335 B.White, M.Nowakowska and J.E.Guillet, J.Photocham.Photobiol.A. . 1989, 51, 147. 336 S.Tazuke, R.K.Guo and T.Ikeda, J.Phys.Chem.

  • Photochemistry
    By Andrew Gilbert, Robert Bowser Cundall


  • Photochemistry
    By D. Bryce-Smith, A. Gilbert

    3 M. Pankratz and R. F. Childs, J. Org." Chem., 1988, 53, 3278. 4 E. Fanghanel, W. Ortmann, ... 26 j.-C.Cuevas, J. de Mendoza, and P. Prados, Tetrahedron Lett., 1988, 29, 4315. 27 H. Dilrr, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl.. 1989, 28, 413.

  • Photochemistry
    By Peter Jacobs, Karl-Dietrich Gundermann, Josef Michl

    19 , 161 ( 1968 ) ; see also Schlag , E. W. , Schneider , S. , Fischer , S. F .: Ann . Rev. Phys . Chem . 22 , 465 ( 1971 ) . 33 ) Herzberg , G. , Longuet - Higgins , H. C .: Discussions Faraday Soc . 35 , 77 ( 1963 ) .

  • Photochemistry
    By D. Bryce-Smith

    ... R. D., 476, 752 Milligan, B., 519 Milligan, D. E., 149 Milligan, T. W., 694 Milne, G. S., 709 Minami, K„ 350 Minato, H., 521 Minn, F. L., 138, 140 Minoura, Y., 760 Mirza, N. A., 436, 684 Misra, T. N., 128 Mitchell, M. J., 533 Mitra, ...

  • Photochemistry: UV/VIS Spectroscopy, Photochemical Reactions and Photosynthesis
    By Karen J. Maes, Jaime M. Willems

    This book presents current research in the study of photochemistry, including novel electron-transfer three-component visible light photoinitiating systems; photolabile molecules as light-activated switches to control biomolecular and ...

  • Photochemistry
    By Ian Dunkin

    H.-C. Kim , S. Kreiling , A. Greiner and N. Hampp , Chem . Phys . Lett . , 2003 , 372 , 899 . ... L. D. Farrand , P. Christopher and L. Owain , Eur . Pat . ... W. L. Ryan , D. J. Gordon and D. H. Levy , J. Am . Chem .

  • Photochemistry
    By Rui Fausto, Elena Galoppini, Andrea Maldotti

    232 F.-C. Hsu, Y.-L. Tung, Y. Chi, C.-C. Hsu, Y.-M. Cheng, M.-L. Ho, P.-T. Chou, S.-M. Peng and A. J. Carty, Inorg. Chem., 2006, 45, 10188. 233 S.-W. Li, Y.-M. Cheng, Y.-S. Yeh, C.-C. Hsu, P.-T. Chou, S.-M. Peng, G.-H. Lee, Y.-L. Tung, ...

  • Photochemistry
    By Ian Dunkin

    The breadth of scientific and technological interests in the general topic of photochemistry is truly enormous and includes for example, such diverse areas as microelectronics, atmospheric chemistry, organic synthesis, non-conventional ...

  • Photochemistry
    By Jack George Calvert, James N. Pitts


  • Photochemistry: Molecules and Systems
    By David Robert Worrall, Sian Lowri Worrall

    This book includes a discussion of the fundamental aspects on which photochemistry is based, along with specialist chapters dealing with specific techniques or systems.

  • Photochemistry: Molecules and Systems
    By David Robert Worrall, Sian Lowri Worrall

    This book includes a discussion of the fundamental aspects on which photochemistry is based, along with specialist chapters dealing with specific techniques or systems.

  • Photochemistry: Past, Present and Future
    By Angelo Albini

    Paterno` E, Cheffi G (1909) Sintesi in chimica organica per mezzo della luce. Nota II. Composti degli idrocarburi non saturi con aldeidi e chetoni. Gazz Chim Ital 39:341–361 D'Auria M (2009) Emanuele Paterno`.

  • Photochemistry
    By D Bryce-Smith, A Gilbert

    Photochromism: Molecules and Systems. H. Dürr and H. Bouas-Laurent ... Studies in Organic Chemistry, Volume 40, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1990. ... A. Gilbert and J. Baggott, Essentials of Molecular Photochemistry, Blackwell, London, 1991.

  • Photochemistry


  • Photochemistry
    By Carol E. Wayne, Richard Peer Wayne

    Aimed at an undergraduate audience, the text describes the new chemistry that follows the absorption of light and explains how light has this extraordinary influence on chemical behaviour.

  • Photochemistry: Past, Present and Future
    By Angelo Albini

    This anthological description of the history and applications of photochemistry provides photochemistry practitioners with complementary information about the field, currently not covered in existing textbooks and handbooks.

  • Photochemistry: An Introduction
    By D. R. Arnold, N. C. Baird, J. R. Bolton

    The text also looks into photochromism and the industrial applications of photochemistry. People involved in the field of photochemistry will find the book useful.

  • Photochemistry
    By D Bryce-Smith

    Compiled by teams of leading authorities in the relevant subject areas, the series creates a unique service for the active research chemist, with regular, in-depth accounts of progress in particular fields of chemistry.